SS - Nanami Minami: Texting From The Heart

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Right now, Aoi-chan is sleeping.. Yuzu-chan is sleeping... but, I am not! That can only mean one thing, right!? 

You gotta text your crush! That's why I'm hiding under my cozy blanket right now. No one is allowed to see me like this! Hmh, truly a perfect cover I have found.

Private Chat: brain♥


[BRAAAAAINN!!] (mimimi)


Uhm.. well, guess I should have expected this. He's probably sleeping right about now. He-he, I was too optimistic. Now I feel kinda sad.

[yes?] (brain♥)

Oooh.. he's awake! Yes! I'm so happy~

[hehe, you bad boy ( •̀ᴗ•́ )]
[you should be sleeping right about now!] (mimimi)

I realize this is hypocritical, but I just wanna tease him for now. Wonder how he's gonna react~?

[you were the one who texted me. shouldn't you be sleeping?] (brain♥)

[yeaaaaa guess you saw through me. i don't wanna sleep just yet!]
[uhm.. if you wanna go to sleep that's fine! just thought it'd be nice to talk for a bit] (mimimi)

[i'm still wide awake, so you don't need to worry] (brain♥)

[amazing!! brain, how was the trip for you?] (mimimi)

[i had fun. but i would have liked to eat more from the bbq] (brain♥)

[you glutton!! (*`▽')]
[let me guess - want some grilled ice cream!?] (mimimi)

[no, that's disgusting]
[i actually really liked the shrimp you didn't want to eat. they were good] (brain♥)

[oooh, really? glad i gave them to you then]
[i can't stand those lil creatures, for real!!] (mimimi)

[what do you like to eat, mimimi?] (brain♥)

I see what you're doing here, Mr. Brain! Some reconnaissance, huh? What do you wanna do, cook for me~? I'd actually really like that. But I also want you to eat my food!

[hmmmm~ well, i like a lot of things!] (mimimi)

What do I like? What do I enjoy? I like my friends. I like Tama's cheeks! And Tama herself, of course. But what do I really like? Hmmm~? Hehe, while I don't know what I like. . .

I do know who I like. ♥

[like what?] (brain♥)

Impatient, are we? I'm so gonna use this to my advantage!

[my brain, i'm not gonna let you trick me so easily!!] (mimimi)

[what do you mean?] (brain♥)

[well, if you want me to tell you what i like to eat, you gotta tell me what you like!]
[besides ice cream!! ('・︿'・ )] (mimimi)

[that's gonna be hard then] (brain♥)


Does this guy only care about ice cream...?

[you go ahead then. what'chu like to eat?] (mimimi)

[i like takoyaki balls] (brain♥)

I see, I see. Takoyaki, huh? I'll put that on my mental notepad. Very important information! Maybe I should buy some squid...

[AUTHOR'S NOTE: Takoyaki balls have small pieces of squid in them.]

[what about other stuff?] (mimimi)

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