Chapter 32 - Illogically Irritating Rationality's Ramblings

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Positive logic and irrationality.

Two opposing sides of the same coin.

Like yin and yang, good and evil.

There are beings where both are present, where one is present, and where none is present.

A variety of cases are possible.

But truly, which is superior?

Of course, many would prefer the realm of rationality.

It is straightforward and clear, with no clutters of distraction scattered around.

The "hell of illogicality", as many like to call it, is one which shall not be entered. It is shunned.

But is that really what one should do?

Should that "hell" be completely disregarded?

If yes, what do you lose?

If no, what benefits does it give?

Whatever happens, whatever question is answered, there is one ascertained conclusion.

One cannot exist without the other in this world.


Once we finished our big gambit without incident, we left the hot spring and wandered over towards the little woods nearby.

Next up, we were going to walk through the forest at night for our test of courage.

Even though the air was warm and damp, Izumi looked chilled. 

"We're really doing this?" Her eyes were filled with pure fear, and she was shivering as she asked.

"Of course we are! This is the main event!" Even though Takei wasn't aware of our strategy, he hit the bull's-eye.

"S-Seriously...?" Suddenly, as her steps became smaller and smaller, Nakamura approached her and put one hand on her shoulder.

"Yuzu, you've always been too chicken of these things."

"Sh-.. Shut up! This is too scary!!" Izumi cried desperately. Well, Nakamura's reassurance hadn't really helped, but at least they were talking to each other now.

"Oh, here's where we start." 

Playfully ignoring their interaction, Takahiro looked down a dark, narrow path leading back to camp. There were two ways to get there—the one we'd taken on the way to the hot spring, which was a normal road that cars used, and this one, which was a paved but dimly lit path through the woods. The plan was to walk back to camp on this path in groups of two or three.

"I-.. It's really dark down there. Are you guys sure? Like, really sure about this?" Izumi's voice was weak, and her eyes were pooling tears. Is she that scared? Supernatural phenomena like ghosts don't exist. She's aware of that, right?

As she reached towards Nakamura to grab onto his sweatshirt, I could see Nakamura grabbing hold of her hand.

"Ooh, look at the lovebirds! Go on, you two; you first!" Takahiro's sharp eyes caught the movement, and he pointed to her hand.

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