(10) Still A Dream?

Start from the beginning

"This is only a dream Elizabeth. A fantasy created inside your own mind. When you wake up it will end" I had almost forgotten that small detail. This whole thing just felt so real and the fact that Law knew who Doflamingo was made me truly believe this was something more than a simple dream. However, my mind was still fighting between the two options as when I was awake in my world the door only had brick but when I was asleep there was a tunnel. "What if this isn't a dream?"

"Fufufu. If you find out an answer, I would appreciate you telling me" This was probably a part of his personality but I was tired of hearing him laugh at what I said. "Is everything a joke to you? I asked a serious question and you're laughing at me" When I spoke his smile dropped. It refused to form a smile until after he made a statement. "No, but laughing hides the pain"

I didn't know why he felt the need to say that although it made me start thinking about what went on in his mind. Doflamingo had said himself that he was the only person here but I always thought he preferred it that way. "Are you in pain?" You could be in pain without having physical wounds although I didn't get the chance to ask more questions and he only said a few words before he stood up from the table. "Every day... You should go home Elizabeth. It is time for this dream to end"

"Why did Law say you... Neither mind" Saying that now would be a mistake and I'd not rather ruin this fantasy. It was a break from reality which I desperately needed. "Elizabeth?"

"Yes?" I was trying to read him although I wasn't having much luck. "If we meet again, it would not be so bad. You make for good company and I like seeing you" His words were simple but I knew by the heat spreading to my cheeks they made me blush. However, I didn't look away as I replied. "At least one person can say that with a straight face. Do you think next time you can make me a cake?"

"Fufufufu. That can be arranged. Follow me, my Little Doll"


Ten Minutes Later...

"This is where we part ways, Elizabeth. I hope you find the answers you are searching for" I stood in front of the little door but hesitated as I turned to face Doflamingo. "Me too... Thank you for lunch" He was leaning down to be at my level so I used the opening to give him a kiss on the cheek. It wasn't meant to be anything but I could have sworn the man had a soft pink color dusting his cheeks after I pulled away. "What was that for?"

"A way to say goodbye" Doflamingo looked like he was thinking it over so I remained in place. "I will see you again, Elizabeth. Just please listen to my warning" When his lips pressed against my forehead it felt cold as ice but by the time, he had pulled away only burning heat took over the spot. He was something else although as I spun around, I decided on a new nickname for him. Mingo just wasn't cutting it anymore. "Goodbye Doffy" My back was to him so I couldn't see his reaction as I entered the tunnel and returned to my own world.

The room was exactly how I left it however I still needed to push the couch back in place. It probably wasn't necessary as this was only a dream but I did it nonetheless before taking my spot to wait until I woke up. I stared up at the ceiling for a bit although found myself staring at the bracelet Doflamingo made for me. "You'll be gone when I wake up... Too bad you're quite pretty and well made"


Doflamingo's Pov

Elizabeth had returned to her world although today had been strange. I was left thinking about my behavior and how I had not fed on her when I had the chance. She was spilling blood like a fountain but I only healed her. I could have taken my share right there so why did I not? "What makes her any different from the others? There must be an answer" My mind could not settle on a solution even as I entered the kitchen the sight of her dried blood on the tile made me feel unwell. "What has she done to me?"

The blood vanished when I waved my hand although the smell still lingered as I left the room to find some sort of answer to ease my mind. My library was nearby so I decided to start there. There were many books and perhaps one would hold an explanation of what was happening with me as of late. "It all started with her"

Ever since Elizabeth had entered my world things had begun to change but I could not explain it as she was not the first girl to come here. No one else had caused things to shift. "Let us start with you" I had not read these books in years but decided to take a book on Devourer' before taking a seat on the window ledge. The view beyond the window was nothing except darkness however the spot was more comfortable than a mere chair. My eyes were already scanning the text and a few pieces of information stood out to me.

It did not account for my behavior although I continued to read until a flash of pink caused my eyes to shift to my wrist. Elizabeth had made me this bracelet and even though I promised not to remove it I had no desire to. It was strange but I refused to question it as I returned to reading the text. The book was short and held no useful information. I had time to waste so after I returned the book, I grabbed the next one hoping it would hold something useful. When that one also was useless, I tossed it aside before taking another.

"This is not a book on Devourer'... Property of Donquixote... Mother"


To Be Continued...

Doflamingo x OC {Don't Open The Door} RemakeWhere stories live. Discover now