"Where have you been?" Luther asked, or rather demanded,  looking at me. Christian was closing the helicopter, which he mainly did so he wouldn't interfere. Even though I understood why he did that, and I accepted it from Christian now, I was still standing here in front of two angry kings, petrified.

But, I also realised I was the Queen, and I was still angry at Luther for what he did to me. I was equally as angry towards Daniel. So those two fuckers could fuck themselves.

I ignored what Luther said and I leaned down to grab my bag, but before I could get it over my shoulder, Christian grabbed it and put it over his shoulder. I looked at him and a huge smile appeared on my face. I grabbed his hand and I walked past Luther and Daniel.

"Excuse me, I asked you a question!" Luther said, still in his calm voice, even though the anger was immensely obvious. I ignored him though and Christian had a smirk on his face as he walked with me a couple of steps, before he stopped because Luther said "I, as your leader king, demand you to stop walking and answer the question." I looked at Christian and Christian turned around. Fuck.

I turned around to look at Luther and Luther and Daniel had turned around. Daniel was observing me, from tip to toe. He was reading me.

"I thought you were one of the smartest men alive, Luther." I replied coolly, two could play at this game. "But sadly, your intelligence and your capability to read people has only been a disappointment."

"Pardon." Luther said, taking a step forward.

"You heard me, Luther." I responded casually. "I came out of a helicopter with Chris, the two of you informed me a couple of weeks ago that Chris was at Gotar, so where do you think I went to? To the moon?" I said and I could see I was close to breaking Luther. I was really close. He had broken me into a thousand pieces, and I was going to do the same thing back to him. It was probably the teenager hormones combined with the pregnancy hormones, but I was angry as fuck at him ad I wanted to hurt him. "Anyway, I'm going to Chris' place, I'm tired from the helicopter ride. I know you must've forgotten because you were too busy playing with yourself and talking to yourself in the mirror, but I am pregnant with the future kings of this country and it's exhausting as fuck." I said and I turned around and I walked away. Luther said something else along the lines of 'leader king', but I just held up both of my hands and flipped him off.

I arrived at Christians place and when I laid there, I realised it was Sunday; which meant that the whole family would be here. Fuck.

I got out of bed after two hours, having taken a short nap.

I was going to torture the shit out of Daniel and Luther for the upcoming months, maybe even years. I didn't give a fuck. If Daniel hadn't been an asshole the way he had been during breakfast, I would've been more forgiving towards him. But he wasn't.

I took a shower, before blowdrying my hair and keeping it loose; something that both Daniel and Luther loved. I put on a beautiful maternity dress that highlighted by tits, which they were both also obsessed with. I put on a pair of sneakers and I walked down the stairs. I walked towards the main dining room. When I arrived there, the whole family was sitting there, talking and laughing and shit. When I walked in, it fell silent, but I ignored that. I walked up towards King Hugo, whom was staring at me in interest. I gave him a hug from the back. "Thank you." I whispered in his ear and he looked at me and gave me a short nod. "I apologise." I then mouthed to him and he frowned but I didn't answer. I went and sat down next to Christian, as everyone was staring at me in interest. Luther wasn't, his eyes weren't showing interest, they was showing rage. I looked at Julia whom was looking at me and then at Hugo, and then back at me, before looking at Luther and Daniel, and then Christian. She seemed to piece things together, because her eyes widened as she looked at me, before a calmness spread over her; as if she understood what I was doing and how I was going to do it.

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