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Hello! It's been way too long and I've been way too uninspired, but the news we received last week gave me a little idea to finally close this story.
I have a couple more ideas in my head, so I might end up publishing other books... but for now, hope you enjoy this!

Thanks for reading, voting and commenting!

Much love, HB3112

'Seb, we need to talk' Joey said, as soon as her husband walked in their shared hotel room. It was the last race of the 2019 season and they were both glad the year was over. Seb's relationship with Ferrari had been, to say the least, complicated and Joey had struggled to maintain her usually positive demeanour.

And now Joey really needed to have a sit down conversation with her husband and she had no idea where to start. She felt like a complete bag of nerves, she just wasn't sure how Seb was going to react to what she was about to tell him.

'That is never good' Seb eventually replied. 'Can't be worse than the meeting I had with Mattia earlier' he tried to joke. 'What's up? What did I do this time?'

'It's not something you did, silly' she finally laughed,feeling a little relaxed. 'Well in a way it is'

'Could you stop with the riddles and just tell me?' he chuckled.

'So... you know I had some people coming to me, talking about sponsoring for WSeries or even F3...' she started.

'Did they finally give you a seat?' he asked, excitedly.


'That is great news!' he beamed. 'Told you you deserved it over that annoying-full-of-herself woman whose name I will not mention'

'Sebastian Vettel! You are never this mean. I love the support, though.' she laughed. 'But... this is not the end of the story'

'Do go on, I apologise'

'I had to say no' Joey said, all in one breath.

'You what?' Seb asked surprised. 'I know you love what you do, but you said you've been needing a challenge...'

'Let me finish, please' she smiled. 'I had to say no, because I don't think Liam can work miracles'

'What do you mean? I am sure Antti can help you out, I can reach out to Hinsta...'

'Seb, please. I am trying to tell you something' Joey placed her hand on her husband's arm.

'There is something I found out... literally about 10 minutes ago... you know I was feeling shit and that and I thought it was food poisoning from that cheap takeaway I had before we got here?'

'The one I told you not to get? Yes I vaguely recall' he smirked.

'Well, I did some maths and there was something else that didn't add up. I thought with all the flying my period had got all messed up, but I then realised it's never been this late. So I... well you can see for yourself'

Joey handed over a sealed bag containing a white and blue stick. Seb looked at it for a few moments before screaming out.

'ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? IS THIS HOW YOU TELL ME? We are having a baby?? And you let me waffle on about Hinsta and Antti?'

'It was funny. I will tell Liam what you actually think of his abilities.'

'Shut up!' he blushed. 'We are.. You are.. We're...'

'In your own words, Seb' she teased.

'I... mein Gott!' he brought his hand to his mouth. 'We... you?'

Eyes on the prize- Sebastian VettelWhere stories live. Discover now