34. When in Ireland

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Hello all! The wedding has finally arrived but I think I will make this a two-parter because I have so many ideas but I don't want to write an extra long chapter and end up boring you all! I hope you're enjoying the story so far xx

Seb and Joey had been in Ireland for a couple of days and, in between long walks with Kiran and last minute wedding preparations, the day of the stag and hen dos had crept up on them extremely quickly. Adam had gladly invited Seb to be a part of the stag night and the German was excited for a night out with Joey's friends. Being the winter break, he had managed to convince Antti to give him a break from his off season training and he couldn't wait to let off some steam with the boys.

'Are they sure they want to go go karting with the both of us?' Seb smirked, watching Joey in the driver's seat of their rental car.

'I have asked that exact question and Liam told me to get my head out of my arse' she chuckled. 'His exact words were "you don't know who you're going against" which is interesting because I was never allowed to join them when they went because it would be "unfair"' she laughed. 'I guess we'll soon find out' she said, with a smug smile on her face, parking in Liam's drive.

Everyone was already there: Kat, her sister Charlotte, Erin and a few other girlfriends Joey had mostly seen in pictures on Kat's socials and Adam, Will, Liam and the boy for the stag do.

Joey greeted everyone, introducing Sebastian to the group (not that he needed much introduction) and the group headed off to the nearby karting place. 

' you see, we're a bit unconventional Kat and I' Adam was explaining to Seb. 'We wanted to do something together, we didn't like the idea of having completely separate nights..  but don't worry, we are taking you out on a proper Irish night after the girls go get their nails done or whatever' he joked.

'You're gonna get your nails done' Joey interjected 'we are going axe throwing and paintballing' 

'I did say or whatever' Adam giggled. 'God, good luck Seb' he teased.

'He'll need it' Liam joined in, wrapping his arm around Joey's shoulders. 

The faces of the employees of the indoor karting circuit were a picture when Sebastian passed them his driving licence to be signed up. 

'I guess I won't have to explain much to you' the young guy behind the counter said. 'Give the others a chance, I guess?' 

'I'll try' he laughed. 'Thank you'


The karting had ended up being a two horse race between Joey and Seb. When one put in a faster lap, the other would push just a little more to find a tenth somewhere to beat the time. In the end, Joey had come out victorious by not more than a couple of hundredths.

'Alright, alright. This was absolutely unfair' Liam moaned. 'Whose idea was it?'

'Yours?' Joey chuckled. 'Sucks to be you, Vettel' she teased.

'Damn.' Seb said 'I knew you were good, but damn.'

'I know, right?' She laughed. 'The only reason why I didn't get into F1 was to give you guys a chance' she joked.

'Alright, before Joey makes us all hate her we should probably head off. The bar is reserved for 20 minutes from now' Adam's best man said. 'See you girls in the morning'

'If we make it' Joey joked. 'Be good to the German, yeah? They drink, but not as much as us' she added.

'You definitely haven't been to an Oktoberfest' Seb told her, in German, just as everyone said their goodbyes. 'Also, if you want to bring that… fiery… competitive Joey to the bedroom, you know where to find me'

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