18. The date

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Happy race day! Hope you enjoy this chapter! HB3112 x

Joey woke up in Seb's bed, alone. The sun was seeping through the curtains and the only sounds she could hear were the birds chirping outside. As soon as he realised Joey was awake, Otto jumped up, happy, giving her many sloppy kisses.

'Hey, handsome' she mumbled, still waking up. 'Where is Seb, uh?'

The door opened and there stood a topless Seb. He was only wearing a pair of football shorts and in his hands a tray with a plate, a mug and a little pot with flowers inside.

'maidin mhaith, beautiful' he tried. Is there anything this man can't do? Joey thought. Nobody had ever even tried to learn a couple of words in Irish Gaelic, let alone full sentences as Seb had been trying to. 'I made breakfast... and coffee' he added.

'You're amazing' she smiled, still scratching Otto behind the ear.

'I am guessing you're talking to the coffee' Seb joked.

'You would be correct' she smirked. 'Thank you. Nobody ever made me breakfast in bed. I mean, my dad has but my dad doesn't count'

'You're telling me your exes never...?' Seb was surprised.

'No, not really. But maybe it's me... I'm not the girl people expect to like the classic romantic stuff... but I do! I love it once in a while'

'Well, you're going to like what I've got planned for us tonight' he replied.

'Speaking of which...' Joey tried.

'No details, sorry! You'll have to wait and see' he kissed her cheek. 'I'm just heading off with Antti for training, will you and Otto be OK by yourselves?'

'Sure, I think I might have to take him back to the UK with me when I leave'

'You're pretty, but not that pretty. Otto stays' he told her sternly, before reaching for her lips.

'This is the only coffee I like' he whispered, savouring her lips with small kisses. He looked up to stare into her eyes.

'Don't look at me like that, Antti has no time to waste waiting for you'

'He could wait a few minutes' Seb started tracing kisses from her jawline to her neck.

His phone suddenly started ringing, startling both of them. Antti's name was lighting up the screen.

'Apparently not' Seb groaned. 'I'll see you later, Süße.' He kissed her mouth once more before grabbing a shirt and rushing away from the room.

Joey leant back on the head board, enjoying her breakfast and the cuddles Otto was still giving her. It felt right, too right, it felt like home. Joey shook her head. It was too early in their relationship to get too involved and to think about sharing living spaces.

After a quick shower, Joey grabbed Otto's leash and decided to go for a walk around the secluded woods surrounding Seb's home. The peace and tranquillity of a sunny summer day in Switzerland was just what Joey had needed after such a busy beginning of the year. With everything that had happened in her personal life, Joey was glad to have some time to unwind. She let Otto run free for a while, thinking back to how different life had been just a few months before. She decided to head back to the house after a few hours. She filled Otto's water bowl, before letting herself fall on the sofa. She spotted a piece of paper on the coffee table with her name on.

Süße, I won't be back for a few hours. I have left a box for you in the bedroom. I will see you at around 7. Be ready for then. Seb x

She read the note a few times to make sure she hadn't misunderstood the meaning. It was only lunch time and Seb had disappeared from his own home and wasn't going to be back for hours.

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