14. What happens in Hockenheim...

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Little warning: this chapter is fairly NSFW! So if you don't feel comfortable with sexual scenarios, please don't read this!

HB3112 x

With Sebastian starting from pole at his home GP nobody would have expected the race to go as it did. The German had picked up some light damage and, whilst leading, he had ended up making a minor mistake that brought him to the wall with major consequences. His angry team radio was played and replayed many times for the world to hear and his annoyance at himself was clear when he exited his car after DNFing.

Joey, who had spent most of the previous week sneaking in and out of Seb's room at the most unsociable hours, suddenly felt a sense of guilt. Maybe it was her fault for distracting him and keeping him up until late with stupid stories about Ireland, she thought. Maybe he was going to speak to her after the race telling her that it had been nice, but he needed to concentrate on racing... with all these thoughts in mind, Joey completed her last few tasks at the circuit, trying to not let her mind take over.

Leaving the paddock, she stopped to say goodbye to Norbert and Fabian who were waiting for Seb outside the Ferrari motorhome.

When she got to her hotel, she decided to take a bath. She had kept overthinking the Sebastian situation, damning herself for having let her guard down and having let someone in her life.

She immersed her body in the bubbly hot water and relaxed. Logically, she knew she was the one that had made mountains out of molehills; but she also knew what racing drivers were like, having experienced first hand how some tended to blame women for the reason for their failures.

Her mind wandered back to one her past flings with a Belgian racing driver she had met racing the previous year. The two had seemed to hit it off straight away, she'd go watch him race at weekends she wasn't busy until, one day, after a rather nasty crash, he had decided to tell her that her presence trackside wasn't welcome as she only contributed to being a distraction for him and the team.

Since then, Joey had promised herself she wouldn't get involved with racers.

'How did that work out, uh?' Her inner voice piped up, in a sarcastic tone. 'You're sitting in a bath sulking about something that hasn't even happened'

Joey shook her head, trying to stop her inner voice from driving her even more insane and trying to concentrate on her book. Her phone buzzed on the floor where she had left it. She curiously looked over to the screen to find Seb's name. Her heart stopped for a second, as she frantically dried her hand to pick it up.

Seb: can I come see you, please?

That was it, she thought, that was how it ended.

Joey: sure, I'm just getting out of a bath now. Give me 5 to get dressed. She replied, adding her room number at the end.

She quickly threw on a pair of shorts and a sports tee shirt and sat by the desk in her room, nervously tapping her foot on the floor.

When she heard a knock she almost jumped out of her skin. She took a deep breath and opened the door.

Sebastian didn't even give her a chance to speak, grabbing her by the waist and pushing her in the room, kicking the door behind him. His lips were sealed on hers, as he pinned her to the wall with his body.

She felt him reach for her shirt, the contact of his fingers with his bare skin were sending electric shocks through the whole of her body.

'Oh, you're not even wearing a bra. I like it' Seb groaned.

'Seb, Seb. What are we doing?' She stopped him for a second.

'Well, I thought it was quite clear. But if I really have to spell it out... I am finally planning on getting you out of those and into... that' he pointed at her bed.

Eyes on the prize- Sebastian VettelTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang