17. Expect the unexpected

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Seb and Joey had ended up embracing the new found spotlight on their relationship, spending some time away from London in a little cottage in the new forest where Seb could keep up with his summer break training and they could start some proper relaxation, in the nature like Seb liked.

Travelling to Switzerland, Joey had agreed to upgrade herself to first class, but had insisted she would pay for it herself.

Antti had offered to pick them up and they found him waiting at the arrivals car park with an excited chocolate Labrador who attacked Seb with excitement as soon as he saw him.

'Guessing that's Otto' Joey chuckled. 'Hey Antti' she gave the Finn a hug.

'How bad was it? How much work do I have to do?' He asked her, jokingly.

'Hey! Thanks for the trust, mate! We both followed your plan. Actually, you owe me a week of sports massages. Can barely feel my legs' she told him.

'Yeah, I'll leave that to Seb' he smirked.

'What now?' Seb was distracted from his dog as he heard his name.

'Nothing' the trainer chuckled. 'Ready to go?'

Joey sat in the back of Antti's SUV, getting to know Otto who had seemed to enjoy her company. Joey had always been a lover of animals, having grown up with lots of adopted cats and dogs around her grandfather's home.

When they arrived to Seb's home, Joey could barely contain a gasp. It was immense, to be only for himself. They said goodbye to the trainer and Seb grabbed her hand to walk in.

'Welcome to my humble abode' he smiled.

'Humble? What the fuck?' She let slip, without thinking.

'I like how Irish you get when you don't think' he said, with a smile.

'I'm sorry. I just... wow. This is huge. I mean, I'm sure you get paid quite well and winning those four titles must have helped financially but God damn!' She gestured to the huge open plan bottom floor they were standing in. 'Wow.'

Otto wiggled over to her leaving a battered football on her feet.

'Wow, Otto likes you. That's a first. He's usually quite protective over his home, you must have given him some good cuddles'

'Yeah, we bonded. Do you wanna play?' She asked the dog. 'Let's go handsome'

'Jee, overshadowed by my own dog' Seb huffed. He opened a sliding door to his back garden to let Otto run free.

He watched Joey run around with his dog and, for the first time in forever, he felt like he was at peace.

'I think both Otto and I need some water, now' Joey huffed, having been running in the sun for a few minutes. 'And I need a shower too' she added.

'Sure, come in' Seb smiled. 'Otto, chill for a moment, uh? Maybe I can get some affection too?' He asked, annoyed.

'Is someone jealous?' Joey teased him.

'Of Otto, yeah. He's getting all the love' the German replied.


Joey and Seb spent the rest of the evening chatting, laughing and just being at ease with one another. By late in the evening, the two were slouched on Seb's sofa, watching a comedy show Joey loved with Otto sitting on the floor in front of them.

Joey's head was resting on Seb's lap, with the German playing with her long hair. It felt like they were two pieces of the same puzzle, Joey had been looking for someone who made her feel whole for so long.

Eyes on the prize- Sebastian VettelWhere stories live. Discover now