37. Christmas time

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Hello everyone! Sorry I have been so bad in updating my books lately, but I have outlined how this book is going to go so hopefully that will give me some inspiration to actually get it done!
Thank you all for voting and commenting throughout this year and hope you have a lovely 2022, wether it has started already or you have just started your day!
Stay safe! Xx

Joey sat in Seb's parents' living room feeling happy and full. They had just finished having Christmas dinner and Seb had been swept away by his nieces and nephews, playing around with the toys they had unpacked the previous night.
Heike and Norbert had been very kind and had invited Joey's family to spend the holidays in Germany, with Seb letting them crash at his place whilst he and Joey had taken his old bedroom in the family home.
'He's good around kids, isn't he?' Carmen asked, sitting down next to her and giving her a glass of wine.
'He is, the nephews love him. But who wouldn't, right?' She smiled.
'Well, at least Junior will have one nice uncle' Carmen joked. 'I am still not convinced about Isa's boyfriend. Do you think you'll have one yourself one day?'
'I don't know. I still feel young, y'know? I want to concentrate on racing next year… and I don't even know if Seb wants a kid'
'Nobody is that good with children and doesn't want to be a father' Carmen explained. 
'Talking of fathers… I should probably get dad to stop drinking' Joey stated, as Connor downed another glass of whiskey whilst playing a game of cards with Norbert and Fabian.
She got up from the sofa, joining the men at the table. She rested her hand on her dad's shoulder.
'Daidí, slow down' she told him, speaking gaelic sweetly in his ear. 'You wouldn't want the in laws to think we're alcoholics' she laughed.
'It's Christmas, darling' Connor laughed. 'And what is the point of being a dad if you can't embarrass your children around the holidays?'He concluded in English. Norbert chuckled and nodded in agreement.
'Join us, Jo?' He asked. 'I heard you're very good at poker'
'By heard you mean your youngest son has told you how terrible I am at anything that involves a little luck and a lot of thinking?'
'Yeah, exactly. That's why you're dating Seb right? Little luck?' Fabian joked.
'Oi, I can hear you' Seb retorted from the floor, where he was playing with his nephews.
'Tell me I lied' Fabian replied, laughing.
'Alright, let's do this.' Joey said, sitting at the table.
'Fab, stop trying to look at my cards!' She playfully slapped the young German who was eyeing the cards Norbert had just given her. 

Seb watched them playing from the floor and couldn't contain a smile. It was nice to have their families around for the holidays and he couldn't wait to start making memories of their own in the near future. If ever he had any doubts about his relationship with Joey, living with her had erased them all. Everything seemed to come easy to them and he couldn't have been happier, even after a rough couple of years fighting for the championship.

When the time had come for Joey's family to leave, Seb and Joey waved goodbye to them and watched Carmen try to help Connor walk in a straight line back to their rental car.
They changed into their pyjamas and cuddled up into bed together. Joey was resting her head on Sebastian's chest, absent-mindedly tracing circles on his bare skin.
'Thank you for having us here for the holidays. It's been nice to see them all again'
'Anytime, Süße.' He replied. 'I love how the families have been getting along'
'You know, Christmas has always been hard for us…' Joey started 'Mum passed away around the holidays, so dad was never in a great mood for Christmas celebrations. This is the first time I actually saw him having fun on Christmas day. I mean him trying to speak German to your nephews was pretty embarrassing, but your sisters seemed to find it funny'
'It was hilarious' Seb smirked. 'It somehow came out Irish'
'Well, they seemed to like him which is good' Joey chuckled. 'I guess my dad is now the stereotypical drunk dad at events… I wonder what he would do when we get married'
'When?' Seb asked.
'Sorry' Joey raised her eyes to meet his, feeling embarrassed. 'I meant if' 
'Do you think about that stuff?' He asked. This was the first time Joey had mentioned anything to him.
'Oh god, please don't think I'm mad' she blushed. 'We haven't even been dating a year'
'Don't blush, Süße' he sweetly said, moving a strand of ginger hair from her face. 'I have thought about it too' 
'You have?'
'Yes, of course. I love you, of course I have thought about spending the rest of my life with you. And when we're around family…' he stopped for a moment and blushed himself.
'What?' She asked. 'Don't be blushing on me, Vettel. You can talk to me'
'When we're around family, or even around Kimi and his kids… I just… think… I just think that I want that with you' he spoke. Joey's jaw dropped. Sebastian Vettel was seriously talking to her about kids and marriage. On Christmas day.
'And I know you want to race and that's who you are and I would never want to be in the way of that, but I do think about it'
'I… you… kids?' She mumbled.
'Even just one' he joked. 'But not now… at some point. God, I have scared you haven't I?'
'I never saw myself being a mum' she told him. 'But your friends and family have some cute motherfuckers who made me change my mind. I just thought you wanted to focus on snatching a couple of titles from Lew'
'You know the making section doesn't take long from my part' Seb joked.
'Sebastian!' Joey chuckled, embarrassed. 'You're the worst'
'Are you saying we could, one day, maybe, have a child of our own?' He asked.
'Of course. But I'm a good Catholic girl, I'll need a big fat ring before we do anything'
'You've literally been to church once since I've known you and it was for Kat's wedding' Seb laughed. 'But I'll see what I can do' he smirked, before kissing her. 
Joey felt his hands roam under her pyjama top, caressing her bare skin and creating goosebumps on their trail.
'Wanna have some very safe practice for what we could do in a couple of years?' He smirked.
'Your parents…'
'We'll just have to be quiet' he whispered.
'You sweet talker, you' she teased him. 

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