39. Reminiscing in Silverstone

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Whilst 2018 had started well for Sebastian and Ferrari, the new 2019 season hadn't seemed to be going that way. Sebastian looked and felt uneasy in the car, its only positive being the straight line speed, and a very unstable rear that seemed to be fighting against the German champion. Moreover, his new and very talented young teammate seemed to have quickly become Ferrari's new prodigy. Sure, Charles was nice enough to Joey in the rare occasions they had met and spoken, but the Irish girl couldn't shake off the feeling that something was going completely wrong in the red team for her partner.

On the other hand, Sebastian never seemed to have lost hope. Naturally, he was getting frustrated but the anger was mostly aimed at himself. Joey wondered how he could love the team so much. Maybe he just wanted to carry on Michael's legacy at Ferrari.

Talking of Michael, Seb had introduced Joey to Mick and his family early in the year at the 2019 Race of Champions. Joey had considered it to be the highest honour he could bestow upon her. The Schumachers were such an important and private part of his life, she had never expected to know much about.

Joey had taken a liking to Mick, his calm and lovely personality was a contrast to what he showed on track, and the young German had taken a liking to her, even attending a couple of her races with Sebastian.

Life, outside the circus of F1, was perfect for Joey and Sebastian. Their relationship was going from strength to strength and the short hiatus they had the previous year was now a bad memory from the past.

Joey's relationship with Lewis had rekindled since their lap in Abu Dhabi at the end of the season and she was excited to be spending some time with her friend at Silverstone, where Toto had managed to organise for her to drive the title winning Mercedes from 2018 for a couple of laps around the track during one of the shows they had put up for the crowds on the day of free practice.

Joey smiled at the Sky camera crew that was setting up in the room and took her place next to Lewis.

'Alright, buddy?' She asked, with a smile.

'Yeah, all good thanks. You?' He reciprocated.

'Not bad, not bad, excited for this..

definitely. I have spent countless hours in the simulator, I just don't wanna cock it up'

'You'd never do such a thing, not in front of our home crowd' he joked.

'Your home crowd, bud' she reminded him, as one of the make-up people touched up her pasty white skin.

'We ready, then?' The presenter asked.

'As ready as we can be' Joey replied.

The red lights on the cameras turned on and the studio fell silent. Joey and Lewis had already recorded a few bits together the previous week, revisiting their childhood homes in London and Stevenage and having a go on karts at the circuits where they used to race together.

'Last year, Joey made headlines early as she was spotted talking to Lewis in Australia. Now, can you guys tell us how you met?' The presenter asked.

'We were, what? I was 6, nicky was 4... you and Matty were... 11?'

'Must have been. Damn that's a long time'

'My dad and Anthony became quite good friends' Joey continued. 'Now as an adult I understand it's because they were... left out by the others' she explained. 'But I guess we stuck together and became quite good friends.'

'I know you've spent some time reminiscing this week, how was that for you, Lewis?'

'Weird' he chuckled. 'But good' he added in response to Joey's raised brow.

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