I found him when when villagers were calling him the demon child. I killed the lady and took him in from there"

"...you were serious about him being your apprentice...??"

"Is that something I'd lie about...?"

"...fair enough"

"Alright enough chatter.
Let's start.

The challenge is to kill as many people as you can until the break of dawn and leave behind no evidence except for a corpse.
You ready?"
Midoriya walked over to the edge of the building, he stood between Aizawa and shigaraki.

The both of them nodded their heads.

"Then let's start"

Midoriya sent himself into a free fall as he shapeshifted mid air.
He could see the perfect victim below.

He landed perfectly and immediately drained them of all their blood, Midoriya had jumped off the side of the building that led into an alleyway.

He wiped off the evidence and continued on his attack spree.

Shigaraki zipped around Germany, he found his own personal victim on a busy street.
So he dragged them into an alleyway and finished them off there.

Aizawa Had been teleporting around alleyway to alleyway and killing whoever he saw.

All together, the 3 were killing quite a lot of people.

Midoriya was bold enough to teleport into a building hosting a party. He killed as many people as he could in there, using his power to fog up the memory of what he looked like so no one could ever describe what he looked like no matter how hard they tried.
He didn't even bother erasing their memorys.

Many people tried to run but he made escaping practically impossible.
It was easy with the power of telekinesis.

Everyone in the party died.
Not a single person made it out alive, whether they had been killed by Midoriya or not.
Some had jumped out the windows as they saw it as their last resort, but they were hundreds of feet up in the air.
So they ended up plummeting to their deaths...

Anyone else who remained was drained of blood entirely.

Midoriya licked his lips as he teleported out of the building, he had gotten a kill streak of 102 people from that party alone.

Shigaraki had gone on a killing streak inside a hotel, he went room to room and killed anyone in there.

Aizawa preferred the alleyway system and continued to kill whoever he came across instead of going into buildings.

Police and heroes were bombarded with phone calls, they struggled to answer all of them and go to the locations everyone had been requesting help in.

Whenever they made it to a location, it woukd be too late.
They kept walking in on dead corpses.

This caused an emergency nation wide departure of all the heroes and police in the country.
They all quickly filled the streets and began to search for who the villain was.

Midoriya used the opportunity to infect as many heroes and police as he could to keep them busy while he continued on with his feast.

"I'll infect half.
Those half will kill the other half.
It works"
He grinned as he flew in invisible and cut as many people as he could.

It didn't take long for the heroes and police to become violent as they attacked one another.

He fled the scene, "my job here is done"

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