✰ accomplices (chap. 13) ✰

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     And you blew your 18th birthday cake.



you wanted your birthday party simple. But since Amber is your best friend, you expected it not to be as simple as you wanted it to be. You honestly just wanted to be home, ask Amber to come over and your mom to make you a cake or something. You didn't really feel like celebrating your 18th birthday even tho it's an important age to hit. 

"What did you wish for?!" amber asked
"I can't tell you silly..." you shook your head and smiled.
she frowned "oh come on Y/N you're so boringggg" 
"And you're annoying to the core."
"RUDE!!!!!!" she yelled 
you bully each other a lot, you find it fun and none of you get really offended. 
She's a great friend, truly. 

Your not-wanted birthday party was in a village home you got in for free since your friend Kaeya kind of like... flirted with the owner and made her lend you the building for 4 hours for free. 
Kaeya is attractive, you can't say he isn't. No one can resist him tbh. 
He was at your birthday party too, of course, he's one of your best friends. There was also Lisa that you met at your part-time job in a library you worked at for a few months to gain some money. Basically, only those three were there.

There would be a fourth person but he clearly isn't here.

your birthday party wasn't anything special when you look at it again, but you had a great time with your three friends. You are happy that they get along well with you and also with each other. You didn't want to make anyone hang out with someone they don't like, but thankfully yall liked each other presence. 

You went back home and your three friends followed you the way there.

"Bye guys I had a great time, really!" you said to them at the door when they were leaving.
"Bye Y/N !!!!!!!!" they all said energetically together. 
Interesting how well you clicked with them. They have so much energy and happiness within themselves. But sometimes those are the friends you truly need. Someone that can make you laugh and smile is always the best accomplice. 

The only one of them you saw unhappy sometimes is Kaeya. He's the interesting one. Kaeya has an alcohol addiction, he drinks his pain away, they say. You don't care tho. You like his presence so you hang out with him no matter what. 

Amber is the happy pill in the group. Whenever people are with her they're happy. She has such a bright smile you can't resist smiling back. She's truly bright as the sun. Of course, she must have some mental struggles too but she never seems to show that she does or that she struggles. Perhaps that is her mentality after all.

Lisa... Well, Lisa is Lisa. She's mesmerizing, flirty, kinda like kaeya but in an even more flirty way. She nicknamed you "cutie" just as she met you and she seems to call you that all the time now basically. Lisa is the one that takes care of you, Amber, and Kaeya so you don't do dumb shit all the time. Cause if you wouldn't have someone looking over you, you would be chaotic as fuck. Lisa is more of a calm person but not calm in a calm way but calm in a relaxed way. She is energetic like you guys too but just more laid back I guess. 

So that is the friend group you're stuck with for probably your entire life now. I mean they're the only ones that want to actually hang out with you. Most people from your class look at you weirdly like you're an alien like you aren't one of them. Some of them even bully you. It can be hard to be in school most of the time. Sometimes it can be fun, not gonna lie. When some girls, that usually talk about you behind your back, aren't in school it's nice. Sometimes the boys that bully you can be actually funny so you be having some laughs sometimes. But those fun stuff do be only about 10% of the time, 90% it's living hell on earth and you can't wait to go home even tho it's not that better at home either. But you're still rather stuck in your room than in that hellhole. 

The only problem with being alone in your room is your thoughts. Your mind is working every minute like a bitch. You think about him every night when your mind goes feral possible, sometimes you can't even fall asleep because you miss him too much. Three years have passed since he was abducted by god knows who. 

Yes, you still believe he's not dead


the daily dose of depression mixed with happiness ig 💀

I'm so sorry for that Kaeya description there, I had to.

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