✰ Cottage (Chap. 6) ✰

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AN: I havent updated this in a while now fuck alright 😭🙏

Chile anyways bare with my spelling im writing on my phone 💁‍♀️📱

This is a wholesome chapter so you can just relax from all the smut you have been reading :)
Dont say you don't read smut cus if you wouldnt read it you also wouldnt be reading this story 🤨📸

"you are insane." you were looking at xiao that was packing a bag with all the stuffs that you will need for your "date".

Xiao is such a perfect human being. He has such clear skin and oh my god his hairrrrrr. His hair was the most beautiful hair you have ever seen! It was so fluffy and long. You love guys that have long hair.

As you were just adoring the view of the perfect boy in front of you xiao already packed everything.

"hold on a minute." he said rushing upstairs to his room.

"where is it..." he mumbled to himself.
"here!" he said finding what he was looking for.

"and why exactly do you need this old key that looks like the key Eren Jeagar has for that basement?" you said curious of the old key that Xiao was holding in his right hand, his left hand in your right hand.

[AN: Well shit author that is a complicated sentence 💀]

"i have my purposes" he said smirking lightly. That smirk of his always got you out of breath.

You where walking around the town until you suddenly made a sharp turn left into the forest that was next to you.

"xiao! What the fuck! Where the fuck are we going?" you said one hand above your head, to protect you from the sticks of the trees that were all around you.


Until you didn't come to a tight path.

"huh?" you said still confused as fuck.

"Xiao you dumbfuck where are you taking me i swear to fucking god-" you were exausted of walking meters and meters, then you saw something beautiful absoulutley stunning.

"you like it?" Xiao asked you with a soft voice he always talked to you with.
"wait-" you were beyond shocked "this is our date location?"

There you are standing in front of a small white cottage with a fairy garden.
You thought shit like this is only possible on pinterest.

Guess not...

"if you don't like it we can-" xiao got the wrong idea
"ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY? NO! I LOVE IT OH MY GOD!!!" You pulled him with you running to the small house.

Then you got a closer look of the cottage.

[something similar to what you should imagine ☝︎]

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[something similar to what you should imagine ☝︎]

It was a beautiful small house made of stone, flowers all around it. There are even white roses which you thought didn't even exist.

"i feel like a fucking fairy oh my god wow." you stated at the cyan haired guy.

"picnic time!" he said holding onto your hand again, pulling you all the way around the house, to the backyard.

W o w

[the backyard ☝︎]

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[the backyard ☝︎]

"did cat bite your tounge?" he giggled at you.

That laugh is everything you ever needed and need.

"im stunned" you were staring at the small pot with some golden fish swimming in it, flowers all around you, some parts of the yard still had tall grass but there where Xiao placed a blanket and some foods was just perfect-

Absoulutley made for picnics.

You sat next to him, taking some strawberries he brang.

You were eating the fruit while Xiao was just admiring you...

You looked up seeing the most beautiful view ever.

𝓉𝒽ℯ ǫᴜɪᴇᴛ ᴋɪᴅ (xiao x reader)Where stories live. Discover now