Many times they bumped heads because of how easily drawn to shiny, pretty things Naomi was. It was silly because at the end of the day, it would be sitting on the foot of her bed in the morning. Birthdays were the best. Yoongi would be a bit more generous with his pockets during holidays. She didn’t like to think of herself as spoiled but deep down she knew that there was no other way to describe her habits, her attitude. But Yoongi had her this way. It was a trap he had set for himself.

Naomi was in the midst of fantisizing a world in which she could be out and party all night without any consequence, she could hear someone knocking at the apartment door.

Promptly, Naomi tenses, stilling on her windowsill. Her humming comes to an abrupt stop and suddenly the only sound that could be heard was from CD player playing the new Destiny’s Child album she had coarsed Yoongi into getting for her. Naomi had been listening to it on repeat shamelessly all day. It was just that good.

It’s been instilled in her for years that she doesn’t open the door for anyone who isn‘t him. Not even for their mother who happens to show up time to time when she needs something. A place to stay, to borrow some money, whatever it may be Yoongi tells her off every single time.

‘I don’t care if Jesus Christ himself comes and knocks on this door. Don’t answer it, Naomi.’

Naomi knew everything Yoongi did was in her best interest. So of course she didn’t answer the door and she didn’t want to. Knowing that it would upset Yoongi to find out that she had went against the one simple rule he set for her while he was out.

Naomi sighed, pushing the thought to the back of her mind. She then goes back gazing, assuming that after awhile the knocking would stop and whoever it was at the door would find themselves something better to do. They did not get many visitors so Naomi knew this wasn’t just some family friend dropping by. Which only heightened her panic once she heard more knocking.

The nervous sixteen year old slowly pokes out her tongue to lick over her lips. Turning her head just enough to stare at her room door. Naomi damn near jumps once a booming yet muffled voice threatens to shake the damn apartment.

“Mimi! It’s Yoongi, open up!” He shouts, his banging intensifying.

Naomi sighed in relief. But her relief quickly fades in annoyance as she jumps out of bed and rushes out of the bedroom. Yoongi must’ve forgot his key again. He tended to do that whenever he was in a rush. Naomi assumed that what he had going on tonight was important enough for him to leave his key behind.

Her hand twists the door knob. She pulls the door opened, stepping back as the sight of her brother is revealed to her. He wore mostly black despite the warm night. His black hair tousled on top of his head, cat shaped eyes roaming about until they land on his little sister who stood there with her arms crossed over her chest. A look of curiosity on her face. Inquisitive questions settle on the tip of her tongue once she realizes the time.

“I thought you wouldn’t be back until 12?” Naomi asks. Yoongi slowly closes and locks the door behind him before stepping further in. Naomi follows behind, anticipating an answer to her question.

“I’m leaving back out in a second. I just forgot to grab something.” He mumbles, taking the route to his bedroom which sits at the end of the hall away from hers. Like a curious little mouse, Naomi follows behind.

“What did you leave?” She asks. Yoongi chuckled. “Wow mimi, are you that bored?” He teases, just knowing that her reply would be just as snarky. But it wasn’t.

“Yes. Yes I am.” Naomi says honestly, standing in his doorway as Yoongi went into his little closet. His bedroom was the exact opposite of Naomi’s. It was dark and dull. It was nowhere near as lively and vibrant as Naomi’s was. He really enjoyed colors like black and red. Like most guys did. Even his car was painted black and red. Naomi was sure that if personalities were categorized by color, Yoongi would have a black and red personality. They were more similar to each other that Naomi would admit. After all , pink was just a lighter shade of red.

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