☾︎Seventh year; Lily Camilla Potter☽︎

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Y/n's POV

After the incident a newspaper was published on my escape from the police, of course they made me out to be way worse than what I even remotely am. They also added the fact that I was pregnant, and it was assumed that Harry Potter is the father, which he is but if anyone asks, I will not confirm nor deny.

Luckily today is now Christmas, and two months until my due date.

I feel huge now, I can barely see my toes and I definitely am not able to shave any part of my body. Remus and Tonks are currently here, celebrating the Holiday with us. Most of the day was spent dreadfully, we had our moments where Dad told me all about his days in Hogwarts and the days before Lily, James and Mum died. 

"And that was the first and last time James and I ever were left home alone with you two, I still have the scar where you bit the shit out of my shoulder." I laugh at Dad's story of Harry and I as kids, he adjusts his robes to slightly reveal the bite mark on his shoulder which makes Tonks and Remus join me in laughing.

"Oh merlin! It literally looks like two teeth Sirius! How could that be a scar from her," Tonks exclaims in between laughs. 

"It still hurt like a bitch!" He complains, Remus and I still laughing. I wish Harry was here to hear this, I wish he was here to tell me everything will be okay. But thanks to him, everyone will be okay, not just me and him. 

The Weasleys also came over to celebrate with us, "Oh hello dear! How have you been?" Mrs. Mum says hugging me. 

"I've been alright, thanks for asking." I smile at her before hugging the twins as well, "You ready to leave Weasel?" George asks resting an arm around me, "Huh? Leave? It's Christmas, what are you on about?" 

I look over at Dad and Remus who were waving their arms in the air, trying to get George to stop talking but the moment I catch them they started playing rock, paper, scissors. Which they have no idea how to play.

"What? Did she not know yet?" George looks around the room with a confused expression while Fred shakes his head in disappointment. Another person pops into the room behind me, I turn my head to see who it is. My eyes widden and I run up towards him, I wrap my arms around the boy I call my brother.

"Ron! What are you doing here!?" I exclaim, hugging him tighter. "Whoa..N/n! Air!!" I release my grip on him with a chuckle. The other adults talk behind us while I catch up with Ron, "I left...I got jealous of Harry being so close with Hermione." He admits, clearly embarrassed. 

I roll my eyes, "You realize I'm pregnant with Harry's baby, yeah?" 

"Well, I would hope." Ron jokes and I gently slap his arm, "Yeah...I know. He's been nothing but stressing about you by the way. We heard what happened on the radio a while back before I left, Sam set you up?" 

I nod slowly before redirecting his attention, "Ronald Weasley! 'Mione has been head over heels for you since third year! Are you really that dense!?" He looks away from me before placing a hand on the top of my head, "I missed you N/n. You always know how to put my head back on straight." I could tell he wasn't telling me the whole story, but I let it slide.

"Now, what was this about me leaving?" I look up at him, "We made a plan to move you to stay with Bill and Fleur at one of our safe houses. It isn't safe for you and the baby here." Ron says looking down at my stomach that was obvious now. 

I don't want to leave Dad alone; he spent all that time alone in Azkaban. He had Remus and Tonks before but now, he'll have no one. "We knew you wouldn't like leaving Sirius alone, so we didn't want to tell you. Tonks has already packed your things." Ron states, which is spot on.

𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝑺𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒅 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 (𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝑷.)Where stories live. Discover now