✩Sixth year; Goodbye Hogwarts☆

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Y/n's POV

All classes have been suspended for the rest of the year, in the order of Professor Mcgonagall. We don't know if Mcgonagall or Snape will be the new headmaster yet as the Minister is still deciding. 

The hallways have been quiet as ever along with the rest of the castle, the common room isn't as loud and rambunctious and even the Quidditch cup was canceled. All extra activities have been canceled as well. Hermione refused to stop studying though, she is currently in the library while Harry and I have the dorm to ourselves. 

"Has Patil or Brown given you any more issues for being a Black?" Harry randomly asks, "No...They haven't for quite some time now." I respond. 

"Good..." Harry speaks softly with my head laying on his chest.

"I don't want you coming with us to find the Horcrux." He says suddenly but before jumping up and getting pissed, I hear him out. He waits for a response before going on, I give him a nod.

"I don't want you getting hurt star, I would never forgive myself if you did or...worse." I love how much he cares and wants to take care of me, but this is a war and I can take care of myself.

"I love you Harry, so much. But I can take care of myself love, we have been together in this war since first year. There is no way we won't be now, and good luck trying to stop me." I wrap my arms around him and he lets out an airy laugh, "I knew you would say that." 

"Then you also know that it's pointless trying to convince me otherwise?" I look up at him and he nods, pressing a kid to my forehead. 

"Oh Y/n, Ron wanted me to tell you that Fleur and Bill are getting married the first of August." Harry says and I smile, "About bloody time. But...right before a war?" 

"I suppose, we need a bit of joy before hell lets loose." He says and I agree, "I do hope I get to see Melody before the war. Feels like it's been forever since I last saw her," Harry scowls at the name and I chuckle. "You still jealous of her Harold?"

"Of course not," He grumbles pulling me closer into him. I hum and let out a small laugh at his jealousy even though it has been two years. Harry and I ended up falling asleep for a few hours till dinner, once we do awake we head to the great hall for dinner with Ron and Hermione. 

I take a seat beside Ginny and Hermione while Harry sits on the other side with Ron, "I can't believe this. Our last meal at Hogwarts." Ron shakes his head solemnly, "Quiet down Ron. We can't have people knowing," Hermione whispers as Ginny looks at us confused. 

I look down at the food in front of me in disgust, I have always loved the food here but tonight, it seemed revolting. My stomach wasn't too fond of the idea of eating at the moment, therefore I didn't eat. 

"Y/n, you have yet to even touch your food." Ron points out and everyone looks at me, oh for merlins sake Ronald.

I glare softly at him, "I'm just not hungry at the moment is all." Harry looks at me suspiciously but I shrug it off. 

I had forgotten tomorrow is the day we leave Hogwarts, six years of my life has been spent here and to think after all these years. Voldemort had tormented Harry since the moment he stepped foot in Hogwarts and now, it's all ending soon.

Some of the best and worst moments were spent at Hogwarts.

 I found my father, fell in love, gained so much more family from it and another home. Of course the ones who we have lost along the way, will never be forgotten. 

The more I think about it the more my stomach turns, "I'm sorry guys but I'm off to bed. I'm not feeling real well," I give everyone a small weak smile before standing. Hermione gives me a questioning look as I walk out of the great hall and back to my dorm.

For the rest of the night I try to sleep off my nausea, which seems to work since I woke up the following morning feeling much better. 

I wake up and get ready for the long train ride home, I pack a few final things. Since I won't be back here next year I make sure to pack everything. 

"You got everything Weasel?" Hermione asks me and I turn around to face her, "Huh? Yeah, I believe so. And what's with everyone calling me Weasel lately? It's strange hearing it from more than just the Weasleys." 

"I suppose because it suits you," She responds. "How on earth does it suit me..." I ponder and she shrugs her shoulders, "No idea but it does." 

I decide to let it go take my things down to the train, I tried avoiding Harry until I couldn't anymore. Which now seems to be that time, "Y/n. Are you feeling alright?" I let out a sigh, "Yes love, I'm alright. I don't know what exactly happened but I'm fine now."

"Alright, if you say so.." He says hesitantly before wrapping me in a hug.

Students one by one all came down with their luggage but it was still quieter than usual, I hold Harry's hand in my own as we board the train. Once we find a seat, Ron, Hermione, Hope, Ginny, Luna and Neville join us. 

There wasn't much room so I sat in Harry's lap and Luna in Hope's. "We won't be returning to Hogwarts," I suddenly blurt out. "What!? But Hogwarts isn't Hogwarts without you four!" Hope exclaims.

"Why must you all leave?" Luna asks in a questioning tone, "I don't believe it is wise to speak of it on the train with so many other ears." Hermione answers, pulling a book out of her bag.  

I lean back against Harry's shoulder and take a nap, that short nap I planned on taking ended up being the whole train ride. 

The first thing I did once I got home was go back to sleep, despite Dad's wishes. 

Goodbye Hogwarts...



I know it's pretty short but there wasn't much left I could do, I'm gonna go ahead and prewrite the summer chapters so if I don't publish on Saturday that's why.

I can't believe it's already come this far, 27.8k reads (atm) just blows my mind!

I already know exactly how Horcrux hunting will go, I have since while writing fourth year back in January (it's now July 2022)

Enjoy the rest of the book mi amor's!

Word count: 1155
Don't be a ghost reader!

𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝑺𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒅 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 (𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝑷.)Where stories live. Discover now