♧︎︎︎Third year; Boggarts♧︎︎︎

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Y/n's POV

The next day, I wake up to Hermione ripping the covers off of me. "Up you get N/n!"

"Nooooo, let me sleep." I groan, turning away. I hear footsteps walking into the dorm; I try my best to ignore them. There wasn't as many girls this year, so me and 'Mione have the room to ourselves this term.

"Come on, sleepyhead, get your arse up and dressed." I hear a deeper voice, and I open my eyes seeing Harry. I quickly shoot up from the comfort of my bed. "How the hell did he get here!?"

"No time to ask get up," Hermione smirks. I lay my head back down against the pillow "Noooooo" I say, muffled. Harry grabs my hand, pulling me out of bed. "C'mon N/n, we are gonna be late for defense against dark arts."

"Wait, it's Professor Lupins' class today!?! Why didn't you just say so!?" I say while fixing Harry's hair, leaving him surprised yet again and race around getting dressed for the day, "Harry, Harry, can you step on the stairs so I can slide down it?" I smile. "Waitt let me get down them first before you two do that." Hermione quickly takes off running down the stairs, and I laugh.

Harry takes a step on the stairs, and they turn into a slide, I smirk at him, and he looks at me. ".... N/n whatever you're thinking, I'm sure there is an easier way to go about this," he smiles nervously, knowing there's no rescuing him now. "There is, of course, this is funnier." I smirk and push him down...

But he grabbed my hand....

Pulling me on top of him....

As we slide down the slide that used to be a staircase, I stare into his emerald, green eyes, with his arm around my waist and him staring into my e/c eyes. Hermione smirks at us. "You two enjoy the way down." I jump a quickly separate myself from Harry. "Ye.. yep...erm yeah, let's head to class now, um, shall we? "

"Yep, let's go," Harry smiles, seeming not fazed as to what just happened, I couldn't help but be surprised about how unfazed he is.  Ron walks into the common room with a bread roll in his mouth.  "What'd I miss...?"

"NOTH... I mean um Nothing, come on, let's get going." I rush out of the room, in an attempt to cover the internal panic in my chest.

Hermione giggles, "Let's go guys before we're late." Harry smiles to himself. "Is it just me, or does Harry seem happier all of the sudden?" Ron whispers to Hermione, "I have no idea what you're on about, Ronald. " Hermione giggles quietly Ron huffs "Its Ron, not Ronald."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Ronald" Hermione laughs and walks out of the common room with the boys following behind her I walk alone to the defense against dark arts classroom deep in thought until I run into somebody "Oh shit um sor-......Malfoy, I take it back actually."

"Good to see you too, Bla-, oh right oops sorry I mean L/n." Malfoy smirks, I tilt my head in confusion. I don't get it. Was he about to call me Black? As in....Sirius Black?

Can't be. He clearly got hit in the head too hard recently. Or maybe he's finally lost that half a brain cell. "I don't know what game you're playing here Malfoy but kindly -not so kindly, fuck off" I smile at him sarcastically before my whole expression goes dark.

 Draco looks at me with a slight hint of fear in his eyes but quickly recovers and leans down close to my ear.

"I'd watch my back if I were you l/n....you never know when you could be in danger." I feel him smirk against my ear. I pushed his head away from me by his forehead. "Do not come that close to me ever again, or I will really give you a reason to cry you to your precious white-haired senior git daddy." I look at him with a deadly look in my eyes.

𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝑺𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒅 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 (𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝑷.)Where stories live. Discover now