Third Year; Werewolf troubles

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Harrys POV

Y/n, Sirius and i quickly race back up the hill, Sirius wraps his arms tightly around Remus

"Remus?! My old friend have you taken your potion tonight" Sirius asks as Remus twitches and groans in pain

I quickly grab Y/n and pull her close to me, protect her..protect Y/n is the only think i can truely think about right now

As long as shes safe, im safe

"Remus! You know the man you truely are!" Sirius shouts still trying to hold his friend back while Hermione and Y/n race to Rons side

Sirius drops his wand to the ground and i see Pettigrew bend down to pick it up

"No! You dirty bastard rat!!" Y/n shouts

"Explelliarmus!!" I exclaim pointing my wand at Pettigrew...but it was to late

He waves to us as he sloely transforms into a rat...his true damn form i suppose

I watch as his clothes hit the ground and i try to go after him but Y/n grabs my arm back "Harry no!"

The four of us stand there..useless as Sirius fights to hold Professer Lupin back, his nails begin to be replaced by sharper ones, his clothes rip and he becomes taller

"Run!! Runn!!" Sirius yells towards us and we slowly back up in shock as what we just witnessed

When Lupin finally finishes becoming a were-wolf he shakes Sirius off as if he was nothing

"Dad!!" Y/n shouts and tries to head after him but i grab her hand before she can head off

Professer Lupin whimpers and Hermione stops us "Wait! Wait!"

"Hermione" Ron whines as the now werewolf stands infront of us

"Hermione you daft bushy haired idiot!! Lova ya though" Y/n whisper shouts

Hermione slowly walks towards Professer while Ron mutters over and over "Bad idea..bad idea"

"Professer?" Hermione steps closer slowly and all he does is whine

"Professer Lupin?" Hermione asks again and this time reciving a howl from him

We all jump back and Hermione quickly runs back to our sides and the Professer slowly walks towards us

"Nice doggie...nice doggie..." Ron cries holding onto Y/ns hoodie for dear life and am i

Suddenly Professer Snape storms from out of under the willow tree and grabs a hold of Y/n's shirt

"There you are...L/n" He spits out at her and that makes my blood boil, this man needs to shut up some day

Professer Lupin growls and Snape turns his head around fast and once he takes notice of Lupin he wraps his arms around us

The werewolf raises his paw and scratches Professer snape across the stomache while Y/n and Hermione scream

I grab Y/n when we hit the ground and she lands on top of me "Well hello there Potter, fancy seeing you here" she says grinning

𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝑺𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒅 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 (𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝑷.)Where stories live. Discover now