꧁Fourth year; Over protective Bro꧂

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Harrys POV

"Shit shit shit shit shit" I turn to see Y/n bursting into my shared dorm mumbling as she scans around the room and ends up diving under my bed

"Y/n? What the he-" I try to say but i get cut off by Professer Snape walking into the dorm

I choke on my own saliva as i see Snape with his hair bright red with a yellow streak in it....Gryffindor pride i suppose?

"Potter....have you seen Black at all...." He glares at me and scans around the room

"Umm nope, not at all sir" I smile innocently at him as i hear Y/n giggles from under my bed but i kick the frame to shut her up which works

"Right then.....if you find her, please inform her she has detention for the next 2 months..she knows the times and days" Snape says in the same monotone voice as always and walks out of the room

I swing my head over the side of my bed to look at Y/n

"Miss. Black you have detention" i grin at her and she groans rolling out from under the bed

"Yeah, no shit sherlock next thing your gonna tell me is that my last name isnt Black" She grins back at me and i feel my cheeks heat up a bit but i laugh it off

I look her up and down at her uniform as she stands up

"Snape is gonna give you more detention for not wearing your proper uniform" I shake my head at her and she laughs

"Screw that old greasy haired hag, i am not wearing a skirt in the middle of winter in a castle" She huffs dusting off the dirt of her shirt and pants

"How did you even get the pants anyway, normally they wont let girls get the pants" I question to make sure if i need to worry if she stole them from some poor bloke or not

"Dont worry Harold, dad sent them to me, he said that he remembers the girls always complaining about how they wished they could get some pants instead" She smiles a bit and i smile back at her

Fuck...she probably thinks i dont like it when she gives me nicknames or something but thats completly wrong, shes the only one i will allow to give me a nickname

Everything about her is amazing, the way she breaks the rules, her pranks, her bravery....the way she cares for me, holds my hand........Shit

"Harry? You alright there love?" She asks me in a worried tone

"Oh Harry your face has gone red, come on lets head down stairs. Its rather hot up here in way" She smiles a bit and grabbing me by my hand pulls me up with no struggle at all dragging me out of the dorm

Alright....either i weigh less then i thought or shes a lot stronger then i thought

For the rest of the day it was mostly Y/n and I, we did see Hermione and Ron but they did their own things most of the day. Which is alright since we plan on watching others put their names into the Goblit of Fire soon for the Triwizard Tournament

Y/n here ended up getting another weeks of detention for calling Snape, Snivellus the greasy snake -which took all of my will power not to laugh- and also for not wearing the proper clothing

𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝑺𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒅 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 (𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝑷.)Where stories live. Discover now