⚡Summer; Aftermath⚡

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Y/n's POV

"Y/n!" I hear someone whispering and nudging my shoulder and i groan

"Shhh...look" Harry whispers pointing at a man who seems very blurry as my vision hasnt came back all the way yet

I watch as the man kicks ash and burned down wood and then he points a wand towards the sky

"Morsmorde!" He shouts and a bright green skull appears in the sky with a snake slithering out of his mouth and i quickly sit up

I know that sign....

"Its the dark mark of Voldemort" i whisper to myself

The man whips around turning to us and Harry quickly stands grabbing my hand and pulls me up, we try moving away from the man but its very hard to run right now so thats a lost cause

"Harry! Y/n!" I hear a familiar voice shout and i look around trying to see who it is

"Y/n!" I hear it again and look to Harry

"Where are you!"

"Guys over here! We've been looking for you for ages!" Ron exclaims walking towards us from behind and Hermione quickly hugs me from behind

Harry and i look at each other with worry and sorrow

"Thought we lost you both!" Ron says looking over me for any horrid cuts or scrapes, he gently puts a hand on the back of my head and i breathe in as it hurts like hell

"For gods sake Ron!! We have more important things to worry about then if im injured or not! Look over there you dimwit!" I shout pointing towards the dark make

Harrys eyes widen when he finally sees the dark mark and he winces moving his hand to his scar as it burns

"Harr-" I exclaim but get cut off

"Stupefy!!" I hear out of no where and we all quickly duck down and Harry covers Hermione and i as some sort of protection

"Stop! Wait! Thats my children!!" Mr. Weasley shouts shoving the minister out of the way

"Ron, Harry, Hermione, Y/n, are alright?" My second dad says helping us up

"Y/n!? Is that blood on your shirt!?" Mr. Weasley shouts with his eyed widened and i look down at my shirt

"Oh..i recon it is sir" I say calmly glancing down at my shirt and the others quickly look at me with worry

"We came back for these two dad" Ron speaks quickly as Mr. Barty crouch makes his way over towards us

"Which of you conjured it!?" Crouch exclaims pointimg his wand at the four of us

"Crouch..you cant possi-" Mr. Dad tries to stand up for us but gets cut off

"Do not lie! You've been discovered at the scene of the crime!" Mr. Crouch says frantically pointing his wand at us

"Crime?" Harry with the most confusion and worry i have seen in his eyes in a while

"Barty they're just kids" Mr. Weasley says

𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝑺𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒅 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 (𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝑷.)Where stories live. Discover now