21. Business calls

Start from the beginning

"Guys what are you doing?" Steve said helping you up.

"What she tripped! Come on Steve you used to be fun!" They said as you and Steve continued to walk.

"They'll get over this soon (y/n) I promise." Steve said staring at Billy watching.

You and Steve walked into your class and you sunk into your seat once you got to it feeling embarrassed and exhausted.

"I can't believe this! (Y/n) I know you probably are feeling sad but you need to talk to Billy and tell him what happened. It hasn't even been a full day and I can't stand to watch you go through this." Steve said.

"I don't want to talk to him Steve!" You said raising your voice towards him.

"I'm sorry I'm not mad at you." You sighed.

"I know it's okay." He sighed.

"I'm really sorry (y/n). If your not going to because your worried about me, don't be I'll be fine." Steve said running his fingers through his hair.

"Thank you Steve... I know I need to and I will eventually but I think this is for the best. What Billy did to you is unforgivable. Also he didn't even give me a chance to explain. Which makes me think if he didn't want to hear just so he had a excuse to end things. You see all these girls around him!" You said looking at Steve.

Steve looked as if he didn't know what to say, so he didn't say anything.

The class went by and then it was fifth. Instead of going to lunch you walked out the door Billy usually walks to, to light a cigarette.

You kept walking, you walked past the field and into the woods. You saw a picnic table and sat.

"No... fucking... way..!" You heard a familiar voice and it was the one person you wanted to see right now.

He turned around tell the scared person following him that he'll meet them out here tomorrow and they quickly walked off.

"(Y/n)(y/l) never did I ever think I would actually see you out here." He said sitting across from you.

"You just met me a few days ago." You laughed.

You couldn't help but for some reason feel a bit nervous and you felt your face getting warmer as you were blushing.

"No, you met me for the first time a couple days ago, I know who you are." Eddie smiled pulling a old rusty lunch box on the table.

"What do you mean?" You asked.

"Does Billy know your out here with me I don't want to get my ass beat!" He joked.

"Ugh I've heard enough about all this!" You groaned.

"I figured and I'm guessing that's why your here?" He said resting his elbows on the table.

"Yeah, I want drugs." You gulped.

"Hey hey hey, you know usually I would make this a quick business transaction but hold on a sec. Have you ever smoked weed before?" He asked.

"No but I just wanted to try it really quick todays been a really bad day." You said.

"Yeah I'm not going to let that happen." He said taking the box off the table.

"What why not! I thought you sold to everyone with no hesitation!" You whined.

"I do but only if I know there going to use it wisely, and not get caught then eventually leading back to me and then I get sent to prison for 100 years." He laughed.

"Okay fine I won't do it now." You said pulling cash out from your pocket.

"Hey how about I give you a discount." Eddie said as your eyebrow rose.

"What?" You asked.

"I'll give you some for free, but only if your first time is with me tonight." He said and you thought if you even want to do this.

"Okay where?" You said as he looked at you surprised.

He told you where and you both stood up.

"Pleasure doing business with you!" He said shaking your hand and as you shook his he pretended to be electrified.


You walked into your last class of the day a little late but still before the bell rung. You saw Billy in his seat where you guys sat next to each other.

You walked over to your teachers desk.

"Hey Mrs is it okay if I sit up front for a couple days I have a ear infection and can't hear that well in the back." You said and she nodded pointing at a empty table next to hers.

Relieved you Looked back at Billy who watched you confused at what you were doing. You set your bag down at the table, he rolled his eyes slouching in his seat.

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