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A smirk rises on his face at my words, I stare up at him with my lips slightly parted as he returns the gesture.

A breathe hitches in my throat as his lips part, his tongue grazes up my exposed neck, I feel butterflies erupt in my stomach as a second heart beat grows in my core. His large hand finds it's way to my jaw, pushing it ever so lightly up, giving him more access to the showcased skin. He places kisses all up my neck, as he reaches my jaw his eyes meet mine once more, pulling me closer to him he whispers into my ear while gently biting on it, "jump" at this, I jump as he grabs ahold of my thighs, wrapping my legs around his torso I move my hands to his neck, he is now looking at me with a possessive stare, one that could make my knees weak. without further words spoken between us he crashes his lips against mine, the two of us fighting for dominance as he so clearly wins. I pull closer to him as the kiss deepens, full of desire.

The brunette kisses me as if he has lived his life in darkness, and I am not just a star, not even a shooting one, he kisses me as if I am the moon, and all the stars disappear.

He pulls away from me as we catch our breathe, the sound overpowering the light rain continuing to fall.

"You're wearing the necklace" A smirk rises on the boys face, I bite my lip slightly trying to contain my smile, he bought it for me.

"Come on, we should head back" I urge, desperate to be warm underneath the covers of my bed. He slowly allows my legs to unwrap from his torso, sliding his hands up from my thighs to my waist.

"On one condition" The boys husky voice stops me from wanting to walk towards the door.

"and what would that be Ace?" I smirk, turning around to see the 6'3 figure.

"Stay with me, in my room" I never knew words could make me so flustered, butterflies should not be able to arise in one's stomach merely from a sentence, despite my refusal it still happens, I look into his eyes and nod, "I guess that'll be alright," pairing my words with a shrug I continue walking although my demeanor does not match how I feel inside at all.

"Shut up, I know it'll be more than alright to you"

"Check you're ego mr" I point an accusing finger towards him with a smile.


"Is it possible to be that happy asleep?" Aiyana asks laughing towards the other two people with her

"they're really bad at this whole hating each other thing" The blonde boy laughs, taking a quick photo before pushing his phone back in his pocket

"you would think they'd be more secretive about it" Scarlett laughs with a shake of her head

"why can't someone hold me like that" Aiyana switches her weight to one foot while crossing her arms.

"That's a hot fucking couple" Scarlett mutters leaning against the door frame

"did they not hate each other a day ago?" The black haired boy finally appears in the door way, freshly woken up.

"Love you bro, but you're blind" Angel laughs at his own comment

"what the hell are you doing in my room" Chase eventually wakes up at the commotion around his room.

"Admiring this secret romance going on" Aiyana gestures to the two interlocked on the bed.

"There's no romance, there for no secret to be held" he snaps, tightening his grip on the girl in his arms unknowingly.

"Ace, you're hurting me" Her blue eyes open, meeting the green ones she adores, "sorry princess" he whispers in such a low tone only the two can hear, loosening his grip she smiles, laying her head back on his chest.

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