Chapter Three

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As Joey unlocked his front door, he was immediately met by Moony and Wolfy jumping up at him. He laughed as he gave them kisses and fussed over Sakura for a little bit before walking into the living room - his parents sat on the sofa watching some weird show.

"How was the sleepover?"

"It was fun, Mom" Joey rolled his eyes, a smile forming on his lips as his parents nodded and he left to go to his room.

Sakura, his cat with glistening black fur and a salty attitude was allowed in his room - his

dogs, however, weren't, and so, as the two huskies watched with jealousy, Sakura smugly walked up to Joey's room for attention.

Scott opened the door leading to the inside of his house, he wasn't surprised to see nor hear anything. He let out a soft sigh and closed it behind him, he placed his coat on the hanger and walked to his room, immediately engulfing himself into a book - Lord Of The Rings; The Return Of The King.

They could hear Meri barking long before Lizzie and Jimmy had even got to the door. Norman was sitting on the windowsill next to Meri who was practically standing up. They giggled as, once they walked through the door, she nearly pushed Jimmy to the floor, licking his face and barking. While Meri was preoccupied with smothering Jimmy with kisses, Lizzie moved closer to Norman and gave him some fuss. Lizzie stood there giving Norman ear scratches ,with Norman replying with a soft purr, and laughing at Jimmy as Meri successfully tackled him to the ground.

Once Meri had calmed down the two siblings made their way to the front room where their parents sat watching whatever was on the tv.

"How was the sleepover?" The pair's dad asked taking a sip of his coffee.

"Omg, it was so much fun!" Lizzie started but was quickly cut off by Jimmy,

"Yeah, we played in the pool then did a pool game, which I WON! Then we watched a horror movie but mostly drew stuff on Scott's face while he was asleep!And the next day we went bowling and that was fun!" Jimmy took a small break from speaking 100 miles per hour before continuing, "And Lizzie danced with her boyfriend!" Jimmy teased, finishing the summary of the sleepover.

"He's not my boyfriend Jimmy!"

"But you want him to be, don't you?"

"I-uh, yeah,yeah." Jimmy gave a small chuckle at Lizzie's embarrassed face.

"Is he good-looking?" Their mum chimed in.

"MUM!" Lizzie yelled, not wanting to talk about this anymore and finding a way to change the subject quickly.

Sausage fumbled with his keys until he eventually slotted the key into lock and opened the door slowly. He was quickly met by the excited yaps of Bubbles jumping up and down beside his feet. He picked up Bubbles and peered into the living room where he saw his Mum asleep on the couch, Sausage slowly put Bubbles down before making his way to the sofa and grabbing the remote and turning off the tv, then grabbing the blanket laying on the floor and placing it over his sleeping Mum before leaving as quietly as he could with Bubbles following close behind him.

Sausage made his way upstairs to his room where he sat down on his bed and opened his laptop and began watching "Once Upon A Time", Bubbles sat next to him, curled up with her head resting on Sausage's chest. Sausage heard the peaceful sound of the rainfall outside and let out a small sigh, Why couldn't life be like this everyday?

Pearl managed to enter her house just before the rain started, she heard a yell coming from her dad telling her to feed the ducks, Pearl rolled her eyes before walking to the food cabinet grabbing the duck's food and then making her way to where they were kept. As she entered she was swarmed by all the ducks wanting some food, she gently poured the seeds into the bowl centred in the middle of the area. Pearl gave a quick look back before heading back up to her room where she fell asleep within minutes.

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