Chapter Two

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The sunlight layed gently on Scott's face eventually irritating him enough to force him to open his eyes. He gently rubbed his eyes as he let them adjust to the room, he looked around and quickly remembered that he was in Pix's house. He let out a slight groan as he stretched his arms and eventually stood up, he had a quick look around the room and saw Joel sound asleep. Although everyone knew of Joel's shit sleep schedule, he was normally always the first up so this really said something. Scott then turned his attention to the sound of voices and laughter echoing throughout the house. He followed the noises and found himself standing in the entrance of the dining hall. He stepped in and was immediately met with strained giggles.

"What?" Scott asked extremely confused, Jimmy and Joey couldn't hold their laughter in and started a chain reaction of laughter.

Scott reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, clicked on the camera app and was met with the monstrosity he used to call his face.

"WHAT THE FUCK GUYS?" Scott yelled, very annoyed they had messed with him, especially his face.

"Language Scott." Pix said calmly, not bothering to look up from his plate of food to know what Scott's reaction looked like. Scott then stormed out of the room to the nearest bathroom to attempt to clean up his face. When Scott left, a very tired looking Joel entered the room, taking a seat next to Lizzie and Jimmy and scooping some pancakes and ice cream onto his plate.

Scott reappeared with all the drawings gone but the look of pure anger coating his entire face. Scott sat down on the furthest chair he could from everyone and began angrily eating a bowl of ice cream, which caused multiple people to burst out laughing.

"Dude your face– you look like a– bloody tomato!" Pearl managed to say, and she was right. Scott's cheeks had become a crimson red colour from rage, his face was scrunched up and eyes were slightly closed. Scott didn't bother to say anything, instead he just stared at her with an 'I'm going to kill you if you don't shut the fuck up' face before returning to eat his ice cream.

Everyone stayed quiet, not wanting to get on Scott's bad side but as time went by, Scott's cheeks returned to the pale colour they were before and eventually Pix spoke up,

"So I was thinking we could all go bowling." There were a few nods and mumblings and it was clear to see no one was as enthusiastic as going bowling as Gem, Sausage and Fwhip were. They were practically jumping up and down on their seats with a wide grin on their faces. Pix then continued to say they had booked a 2 hour session in one of the best places and would need to be leaving shortly. Gem, Fwhip and Sausage all rushed their breakfasts before rushing to get ready with the others following shortly after.

It was around 10:15 when they got in the car, meaning they would arrive at 11:45. They all hopped into Pix's dad's car and drove off. Most of the car ride was filled with the chatter of who was going to win although it was pretty obvious, Sausage, Gem and Fwhip went almost every year for the twins birthday and over the years had gotten pretty skilled at it, so there was no competition. But the trio had agreed to the idea that the others could use the safety railings and they wouldn't so there would be more of a chance. Jimmy, Sausage and Joel had been joking around for most of the ride and created the idea of one of them throwing the bowling bowl onto the bowling alley while the other two recorded it. Gem and Lizzie both tried talking the boys out of it but it was no use.

The group arrived at 11:39 and their slot had been booked for 12:00 so they had some time to kill. They decided to go in and try some arcade games. Pix's dad handed them each $10 and allowed them to do whatever they wished with it. Joel, Jimmy, Pearl, Pix, Fwhip and Scott immediately made their way over to the competitive games while Joey, Lizzie, Sausage, Katherine, Gem and Shubble all went to the 2p games to try and win some jewellery, money, tickets and keyrings.

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