"Thank you, what scene is next?" I asked as I walked over to Peter.

"I think the scene with Bilbo just before everyone arrives, we already did the one where Gandalf visited Bilbo." Peter said as he helped packing all the cameras.

"So now we film the arrival of all the dwarves in Bilbo's house?" I asked as I followed Peter to the next set.

"Yeah." Peter sighed and he let me into Bilbo's house.

"Mahal Eryn, are you ready to fall in love?" Aidan said as he put his arm around me.

"I'm always ready to fall in love with you, mahal Kili." I said and immediately after that we both burst out laughing.

"You guys better get your love on, but we're gonna start with Dwalin coming in." Peter said and he smiled at the sight of his dwarf-actors who were waiting for him.

"Graham, we're beginning with you. Come with me. Martin, Skyla, you must follow too." Peter said and he opened the door to Bilbo's house and he let me and Martin in.

"Do you know your lines?" Martin asked as be walked around a bit.

"'Hey I was eating that!?' And 'Bilbo what is that dwarf doing here?'" I said and he then just gave me a high five.

"You forgot one of your lines though." he said teasingly.

"I did?" I asked confused because I don't remember having more.

"'This is delicious." Martin said and he laughed a bit.

"We're just gonna shoot everything in one take, we'll edit it later. Everybody ready?!" Peter yelled through the halls while Martin and I already sat down at the dining table.

"And action." Peter yelled and Martin and I just started eating.

"Do you like it, I know it's not elvish waybread but I tried my best." Martin said in a funny accent.

"It's delicious!" I exclaimed but my mouth was filled with bread.

"Thank you." Martin then said followed by some hard knocks on the door.

"Excuse me." Martin said politely as he stood up and walked to the door and opened it.

"Dwalin, at your service!" I heard a low and manly voice say and I just kept eating.

"Bilbo Baggins, at yours." Martin replied and I was trying so hard not to laugh.

"Do we know eachother?" Martin asked while I heard someone coming in and I quickly stood up to get some water, I remembered that from the script.

"No." Graham said with a low voice. "Is it down here?"

"Is what down here?" Martin exclaimed still in shock by the huge and scary dwarf.

"Supper, they said there'll be food." Graham said when he walked into the dining room and grabbed a piece of bread from my plate.

"Hey, I was eating that!" I exclaimed as I tried to push him aside what didn't work.

"Move lass." Graham said and I got pushed onto the ground by the huge dwarf.

"Bilbo, what's that dwarf doing here?" I asked while Martin helped me up.

"I honestly have no idea." Martin sighed as he helped me out of the kitchen.

"That was great, cut!" Peter yelled and I immediately rubbed my arm because I fell on it when Graham pushed me over.

"Are you okay?" Martin asked as he kneeled down a bit.

"A bit, I fell on my arm when Graham pushed me over." I said and I tried to look if I had a wound on my arm.

"There's only a bit of blood." Martin said as he looked at my elbow.

"Skyla, is there something wrong?" Peter asked while he walked up to me.

"I fell on my elbow." I said and Peter quickly grabbed his behind the scenes camera.

"The first injury of the Hobbit." Martin said as he pointed to my elbow.

"Shut up, it's not that bad." I said and I then heard the door opening.

"Who needs the an ambulance when you have the line of Durin!" Aidan said with Dean and Richard, all in costume, on his sides, and I just couldn't stop laughing.

Aidan then picked me up, and put me on his shoulder.

"Aidan?! Put me down!" I exclaimed while they dragged me out of Bilbo's house.

"Make sure she's back in five minutes!" Peter yelled after us but I don't think they heard it.

"How bad is your injury?" Aidan asked as he laid me down in the grass.

I still couldn't stop laughing, and I saw that Peter had followed us with his camera.

"I'm fine." I said as I stood up but the three dwarves pushed me back down.

"We need to wash her wound in the river!" Richard said as he pulled me up, and carried me in his arms.

"Throw her in the river!" Dean yelled and I just tried to free myself from Richard's grip but it didn't work.

"No, that's just mean!" Aidan said and he tried to help me down.

"Brother, if you choose the side of the elves. You'll get the same treatment as them." Dean said as he pushed Aidan in the river.

I started laughing but soon after that Richard threw me in the river.

I'm not a good swimmer, I can make sure I don't drown immediately when I hit the water but it takes alot of effort.

"Aidan, help me." I tried to say when I was in the water and he immediately swam towards me so I could lean on him.

I saw Dean, Richard and Peter standing on the shore, laughing at us.

"Can you at least help me get out?" I sighed with alot of trouble keeping my head above the water.

Richard then let out a hand so he could help me out, and I immediately grabbed it.

I then helped Aidan get out of the water, and I started shaking from the cold.

"Take my jacket." Aidan said as he took off his own jacket and put it around my shoulders. Even tough it was soaking wet, it helped just a little bit.

"Thank you." I said but I was still shaking.

"You two should go change, I don't think you'll be shooting anything today anymore." Peter said still a bit laughing but I was just shaking.

"Richard, Dean, you can leave I'll help them." Peter said and Richard and Dean immediately walked away.

"I'll bring you to your trailer, and I would suggest to take a shower." Peter said as he started walking and Aidan and I just followed him.

"What about my wig?" Aidan asked and I just started laughing.

"Wash that too, and you can keep your clothes and stuff till tomorrow." Peter said as he opened a door of a trailer for us and let us in.

"This is the trailer that you'll be sharing." Peter said as he closed the door behind us.

"My suitcases!" I exclaimed when I saw all my suitcases standing in the trailer.

"Mine's here too." Aidan said as he walked up to his own suitcase.

I then opened one of my suitcases, and put it on the table.

"You have three suitcases?!" Aidan exclaimed as he looked at the pile of clothes I stuffed in the one that was on the table.

"Yes, Kili. And I need all three of them." I said as I grabbed some clean clothes to put on.

"Why did you call for help when Richard threw you in the water?" Aidan asked and I was kinda scared to tell him.

"Aidan, I can't swim... I never learned how to, because I was scared to let someone teach me..." I sighed as I sat down on the couch.

"Put on your swimwear, I'm gonna teach you how to swim." Aidan said as he grabbed my hands and pulled me up.

"What?!" I exclaimed shocked and scared.

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