s. 3 ep. 2 Safe Harbor

Start from the beginning

"So funny, man," I said, slapping him on the back of the head as I walked by.

I wanted to put a "Funniest thing since pickle rick" there but it wasn't a thing until 2017

"I'm gonna head back to shore. Bumpy and I will meet you guys at the dock." Ben said before walking off.

"Guess the only question is who's driving the boat," Yaz said walking up.

"You mean, whose dad had a yacht club membership and just found this killer hat?" Kenji asked.

"Oh, kill me faster," I said, pinching my nose.

"Captain Kenji at your service," he said before laughing again and walking off.

"I am not riding this boat with him sailing. See y'all at the dock." I said before giving them a two-finger salute and falling off the side of the boat.


"You're good. You're good." I said, standing at the dock.

"Easy. Easy." Yaz was relaying to Kenji from the railing.

"Stop!" I called

"Hold up! Hold up! Hold up!" Yaz yelled before the boat bumped the dock.

"What the hell was that!" I called.

"Not a bad parking job, if I do say so myself, and I will." I heard him say.

"He's an idiot!" Yaz called back., "Because you don't 'park' a boat. You 'dock' it." She yelled loud enough for me to hear.

"Sure you wanna sass the captain? It's a long swim home." I heard Kenji say

I shook my head and chuckled.

After helping Yaz, Sammy, and Kenji off the boat, I turned to Darius and Brooklynn who tossed me a rope to tie it off.

"Nice shades," Brooklynn said, for I had dawned a pair of sunglasses I had found on a previous supply run.

I gave her a chill thumbs up

"It's getting late. We might as well rest up here. We can scavenge for supplies in the morning" Darius suggested.

"Woah, Woah, Woah, pump the breaks, bro!" Kenji said, next to me, "Look around! We've got swimsuits, a few hours of sun, and a whole boat at our disposal!" He said putting his arms around Sammy and Ben. "If that doesn't scream 'yacht party,' I don't know what does.

Everyone looked around at each other.

I slowly took off my glasses and stared Kenji down.

He smiled nervously.

"Surprisingly... I don't hate it." I said with a smirk.


"Let's get some music up in this bitch!" Kenji yelled.

"What do we got in here," I said rubbing my hands together.

"Standard CD player? Not bad. But you should see my dad's penthouse's stereo system. It's got-" Kenji started to brag.

"No fucking way!" I laughed.

"What?" Kenji asked.

"These mother fuckers have The Marshall Mathers LP!"

"No fucking way," Kenji said, coming over.

"I don't think Mitch or Tiff knew a single line of The Real Slim Shady or better yet who the fuck Eminem is."

"Must've come with the Yacht."

"I guess so."

"I wonder if they have any Pink albums. Then Brooklynn might enjoy it."

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