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Nessies pov:

I walked downstairs on Christmas morning Alice's present sitting on my bed as me and Ros made our way over to the others smiling and laughing

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I walked downstairs on Christmas morning Alice's present sitting on my bed as me and Ros made our way over to the others smiling and laughing.

I sat on Jaspers lap resting my head on his chest about to fall back asleep when Emmett honked a horn in my ear. When you had enhanced hearing it wasn't pleasant. I stood up glaring at Emmett before I started chasing him around the common room diving for him Emmett tripped over tumbling into Rosalie. Rose smacked Emmett around the head winking at me, Emmett glared at me before we laughed sitting back down I laid down placing my head in Iris's lap and my feet on Jaspers.

Iris started to braid my hair when Ginny walked down helping Iris. I spun around showing off my hair when they finished strutting around the common room when the door swung upon revealing the twins and Lee.

I sprinted across the room jumping into there arms and hugging them tightly as they spun me around in circles I had missed them so much. "Guys this is Fred, George and Lee." I told them "Idiots this is Emmett, Rosalie, Alice, Henry, Jasper, Iris, Jane, Raven and Dick Head." I said pointing to each person as I said there name.

Ginny looked scared at the fact of me the twins Lee and Emmett on a camping trip.
"Fred, George, Lee, Emmett over there has been my prank buddy whilst you've been gone." I told them.

Alice sat me down handing me my present we all found the ones with our names on them ripping into them. From Raven and Jane I got new Combat fighting stuff from Alice and Henry I got clothes, Emmett and the twins got me heaps of pranking stuff, Lee got me some muggle money, Iris got me Combat boots, Rose got me makeup, Edward got me a card that said your a dip shit, Harry an Ron got me sweets, Jasper got me a bracelet, Hermione got me a homework book and a book to remind me to attend my detentions and my favourite present was Ginny who had given me a photo album of our whole group photos of the protector pack and my family, the wolf pack the Cullens all of us handing out as a group and a photo of drunk me at a Gryffindor party last year.

Laughing I thanks everyone before walking upstairs to get my present for Alice. Hiding the puppy behind my back I walked downstairs a smile on my face as Rose blindfolded Alice and told her to put her hands out.

I gently placed the puppy in her hands watching as it looked up at Alice with the most adorable eyes, Ace and Chilli walked over sniffing the puppy. Rose removed Alice's blind fold and Alice squealed bringing the puppy up to her face and nuzzling her face into its fur making all of us smile Jaspers being the biggest due to all the joy he was feeling from people in the room. "Alice what are you going to name him?" I asked her. Alice smiled placing the little puppy on the ground and pulling me into a hug that would have crushed me if I was fully human I patted her back hugging her back.

"Otto." Alice said looking at the dog with the same love she looks at Henry. Alice picked the dog back up as we all started to take photos with the camera I had gotten Iris.

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