"No." Lillian shook her head then used her words after she realized that Riley can't see her.

"You don't have any good memories... from your childhood?" Riley asked as she bit her lower lip. She felt guilty. She had the best parents in the world while her sister got the exact opposite. It wasn't fair.

"Maybe I did." Lillian said as she got a perfect line on her right eye.

"So, tell me about it." She dragged the first word, settling on the work dress on her left before stuffing the other one back in the closet.

She wanted to know. She was desperate to know. Was Vincent ever a good parent?

Lillian though for a minute. A good memory... what was a good memory?

"Something sweet that someone did for you..." Riley elaborated, answering her unasked rhetorical question.

Something sweet!

"Well, it was my first period. I didn't know that I bled and there was this guy- Markus- he ran me a bath, bought me pads, and chocolates, and told me what I had to do. That was really sweet of him." That could be considered a sweet moment.

"Totally. Can't see a preteen guy doing that." Riley whistled with a wide grin. She could totally picture a cute guy taking care of her sister.

"No, he worked for us." Lillian clarified.

"Ohh." That stopped her imagination from running wild instantly.

"You guys must be really close."

"You can say that."

"How did he know you were bleeding?" She asked as she cringed internally at the thought of a red bed.

"His dick was in my vagina." Lillian said nonchalantly.

"LILLIAN!" Riley shrieked out in horror making Lillian laugh out loud.

Riley rolled her eyes as she looked at her with a tinge of pity. No kid should have that as a sweet moment. And, well, now she knew the name of the guy that raped her.

She wanted to meet him more than ever now.

She thought to herself as she thought of various torture techniques.


"I have no words." Issac said shaking his head.

Lillian smiled widely, finding his reaction hilarious.

"You don't have to watch your words, you know. It's just mild." Lillian said after a few seconds of silence.

She liked the silence. It was comfortable. And there was a warm fuzzy feeling inside her which was relaxing.

"So you won't ghost me again?" He asked as he stopped walking, uncertainty and hurt flashed across his face.

"I..." Lillian dragged out, standing 2 feet away from him.

She didn't know it still affected him. She thought he was over it. She felt bad.

"No, never mind. It doesn't really matter." He said as he started walking.

"I'm sorry." She said looking at her feet.

"No. It's ok." He said shaking his head.

"I hate Vincent. He is a terrible father. He shouldn't even have had children." He blurted out after a few seconds as he fisted his hair in frustration. This day gave him a clear reflection of what a failure of a father Vincent was. Or still is.

"He didn't know." Lillian said, stuffing her hands inside the pocket of her jeans.

"Not an excuse and don't defend him. Child neglect is a felony. And you were harmed on top of it, if it went to the court he'd be behind the bars.

If the same happened to his wife, I'm sure he'd have hunted her father down." He said sharply, his chest heaving up and down heavily as he tried to catch his breath and try to contain his anger.

The rest of the walk towards the company was silent after his outburst.

This silence was not that comfortable, Lillian felt like she had to say something but didn't know what.

"Well I guess I will be leaving." Issac said as he reached his car.

"Alright. Bye." Lillian said and waved but before she could leave Issac caught her wrist.

"I just want to say this before you go. It doesn't matter to me whether you have a personality disorder or not, whether you can have children or not, I love you. For you. Nothing will change that."

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