Start from the beginning

Leo's eyes never strayed from hers for even a moment. He was stunned. She still wanted to be friends with him? Even after she watched him act like an idiot all day?

"And I was thinking that maybe, we could, like, make up for what I missed..." Y/n offered.

"What do you mean?"

She looked away, slightly flustered, "Ya know, you said we hung out all the time, pulled pranks, whatever, so maybe, we could do all those things again, to make up for it?"

He didn't know what to say. So, like an idiot, he just stood there.

"Sorry, that's stupid, just forget I said that — "

"No! I mean, it's not stupid. I'd... love to do that." He smiled.

Y/n looked back at him. "Thank gods, that was almost awkward."

Leo chuckled, "Yeah, well leave it to me to save the day, as always."

She laughed with him. Sure, Leo felt sad that she didn't remember him, but, he was happy he could do all those things with her again. Those moments were probably the best of his life, and he got to relive it all again? Hell yeah!

The two stood there, as their laughter died down. Leo looked down to his left hand, that was still intertwined with Y/n's right one.

She looked down too, and realized she was still holding his hand. She pulled it back, and muttered an apology.

"It's fine..." he said, and just as it almost got awkward again, they heard a horn blowing in the distance. It caught their attention.

Leo looked to where it was coming from, then back to Y/n. "How much do you wanna bet that's the dinner horn?" He smiled.

Y/n grinned, walking past him. "Twenty bucks."

— ( ☆ ) —

After eating supper with his siblings in Cabin Nine, Leo had wandered his way to the campfire. His mind was all over the place after his conversation with Y/n.

He didn't know if he should be sad, happy, or relieved to finally know what she had been holding back all day. For a brief moment in between dinner and the fire, he had met up with Piper, and explained what Y/n had said. She looked sad, but most of all, she looked worried. For what, or who, Leo didn't know.

He sat next to Nyssa on a bench around the campfire, and listened as the Apollo kids sang campfire songs. If anything, it was good background noise; Leo didn't pay much attention to the songs.

He looked around and saw Y/n sitting next to the Hermes Cabin counselor, laughing as they ate s'mores. He pouted.

"Who's that?" Nyssa asked, leaning over to get a look at who he was looking at.

"Who? Oh, Y/n? She's my friend." He muttered, looking away.

"Looks like she's pretty close with Travis already. You good?" She asked.

"Yeah, fine." He looked away from her, and back to the campfire, watching as the people up there danced and played instruments.

Once the song was over, Chiron, the activities director, trotted over. Leo was surprised when he saw the centaur make his appearance at the front where the Apollo kids were performing.

He grabbed a spear, shoved a marshmallow on it, and roasted it as he spoke. "Very nice!" He congratulated, "And a special welcome to our new arrivals. I am Chiron, camp activities director, I'm glad you've all arrived with your limbs still intact — "

 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐒 ( leo valdez. )Where stories live. Discover now