"And do you know who would have committed this crime.?" she asked.

"Yes, indeed, I have and he will be punished for his crime."Ramses laughed maniacally.

"Who is it Ramses? I wish to know?" 

"It's an American. as always, The document states that is Sebastian Baltimore."

Her jaw dropped at the name of the American, She had always suspected the American but never thought so deeply about it. 

"I knew something was so off about him, he would laugh every time at Father's jokes, even the boring ones. At times he would write some kinds of stuff in a journal, anytime I asked him what he was writing he would smile it through not wanting me to see, so thought it was a secret diary or something."  She said in a rush.

"Thanks, Kleopatra For the information..." He turns to leave.

"Wait, Ramses! What will the Council do?" She asked with so much worry in her voice.

"They will decide what type of Punishment or should I say death he will be getting."

"But, [SIGHS] why don't we send him out of our land and banned him from not stepping his foot into this kingdom, rather than [HAND GESTURES] Kill him." She said shakingly. He walks back to her rubbing her sleeves repeatedly to calm her.

"Kleopatra, this is not my decision, it's the royal councils and you need not worry yourself about it, what should be done, will be done, Okay? [KLEO NODS] Good! Now you will go back to the tea room and make sure they don't find out you weren't present the whole time." He kissed her on the temples before leaving.



Once the royal council concluded with the punishment of the Americans, a proclamation was sent out.




"Hear ye! Hear ye! Hear ye! [CLEARS THROAT]

Know that the Prince has returned from war with the other soldiers. The king, himself declares a great punishment to an outsider who had promised to equip the whole kingdom with high weaponised technologies, but rather, the Outsider has stolen greatly from us...

He is a threat to this kingdom, so at dawn, we declare an execution."

"Execution!" [PEOPLE CHANTS]




"Mr Baltimore, do you wish to tell us the reason, you robbed our kingdom of its Minerals?" Ramses Asked.

"[SCOFFS] Robbed?  Your grace, I know nothing of what you say."

"You know nothing! Do you say? So tell me why does this document state your departure from Thebes to California?" Ramses questioned.

"[SEBASTIAN LAUGHS] I went to see my family, I was written a letter of my sister's illness, so it was an urgent emergency." 

"[SIGHS]Hmm, what about last month's records, [PAUSES] it says that you left for  Kansas ... and at that moment, no records of you installing any instrument was recorded, likewise, you choose that month to go ahead with your embezzlement, am I right, Mr Baltimore?" Ramses snarled.

"[CHUCKLES] I know nothing of what you say, you cannot accuse me for what I didn't do."

"Oh, accused! Sorry sir, my bad, but what if I invite someone to this table, that you will recognise, I am pretty sure, she will spill it out... Your secrets!" Ramses growled

"You are no threat, My grace." Sebastian laughed.

Ramses ordered the guards to bring his wife into the room, Sebastian's face turns hot red as soon as his wife, walked in. He started breathing heavily.

"Leave her out of this your Grace, she doesn't know anything about the gold." He pleaded.

"[CHUCKLES] Wow, the almighty Baltimore, pleads for his wife's freedom, I am so surprised." Ramses mocked.

"Please, help me, Sebastian!" The lady cried for escape.

"Your wife will pay for your sins if you do not return our Gemstones." Ramses threatened.

"I am not his wife, Mister!" The lady yelled.

"Oh! Your princess in distress denies you so quickly because she knows death knocks at her door... And you, lady, shut your mouth!" Ramses snapped at her.

"What is she to you, if she isn't your wife? Your sister? Your mother? Oh no she is too young to be your mother.[CHUCKLES] "

"[INHALES] She is my mistress." He whispered.


"Wow!, Congratulations, Anyway, Sebastian, before dawn, you are to return the kingdom's stones or your blood will be spilt before the whole kingdom." Ramses smiled.

"[GASP]  I will return it before dawn, your grace." He groaned.

"Good.Deal!" Ramses walks out of the room with a grin.

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