26. Just say sorry...

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The parts that are italicized are either from the past / flasback or it is someone's inner thoughts!!

English is not my first language, hence expect spelling mistakes and grammatical errors.

Make sure to check the tags before proceeding... you know the drill!!


It was a late rainy night. Jin was sleeping in his worn-down second-hand cot, when a rude knock on his door jolted him awake. Jin groaned, flipping his blanket off, and dragged his tired body towards the door in his half asleep state, wondering who might be at his doorstep so late at night. He was about to unbolt the lock on his door when the knocking grew louder. Jin stood bewildered when the knocks turned into loud bangs against his door.

Jin jumped back at the sudden loud noises. His sluggish mind became alert at once, as he stared at the door wide awake. He neared the door cautiously and placed his ear against it, trying to listen to the noise from outside. Amidst the loud thunder and patters of the heavy rain, Jin could distinctively hear the curses and yells of a few men outside his door. Jin didn't have to think hard to know who they were. They were rogues, who wandered aimlessly in the street he lived in. They always picked on Jin and bullied him whenever he tried to walk past them. There had been several occasions when they had forcefully taken his hard-earned money and hurt him physically.

Jin looked around his room frantically, trying to find something to save himself. He knew that he was too weak to fight four muscled drunk men. And he had to protect the money that he had saved for Jimin's medicines. But all he had in his room were a few clothes and a few other necessities.

The small table in the corner of his room caught Jin's eyes. He pulled the table and placed it against the door, blocking the way. He sat down on the floor under the table, pressing his back against the door, which jolted now and then with every push and kick it received from the rogues.

Jin hugged his knees to his chest and began reciting his prayers, seeking for the door not to break. Tears ran down his cheeks as he chanted to himself to be brave and that they would leave soon. Minutes passed by and turned into hours, but Jin didn't have the courage to move away from the door even after the noises died down outside his door along with the downpour.


It was one of the worst nights of Jin's life. The memory was so vivid that Jin could still feel the fear in his body whenever he remembered it. But he had never expected the same fear to consume him after so many years, not at least when he was in front of Taehyung, the only person in this world whom he felt safe with.

Jin stood frozen against the wardrobe with his hands pinned on either side of his head. He could see the anger and contempt that flickered in the elder's eyes as Taehyung stared into his eyes like he was possessed.

"Why are you here?", Taehyung asked coldly.

It was a tone that Jin had never heard from Taehyung. The icy cold tone possessed much more than just anger and hatred in it. Jin gulped, as Taehyung leaned closer to his face. Never had he thought that Taehyung could look so intimidating. Taehyung had always been so kind and gentle to Jin. He always sported a warm smile and his touch always had the power to make Jin feel loved and treasured. But that night Jin couldn't see any trace of compassion or affection in Taehyung's eyes.

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