17. The cunning duckling!!

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Jimin fidgeted with his fingers, as he sat nervously in the back seat of the car. He looked at Taehyung who was in the driver's seat, having the most pleading puppy eyes while Jin was sitting in the passenger's seat, ignoring Taehyung completely. Jimin then glanced at his wrist watch and sighed for the millionth time along with Taehyung.

"I can manage alone... you know...", Jimin mumbled softly.

"That's okay, Chim", Taehyung smiled at him through the real view mirror.

"And I am not taking another chance with Jungkook", Jin said curtly.

Jimin pouted a little, "I promise, Jin hyung, I will be careful this time. I... I won't let him touch me again".

"Still, I want to be sure. Men like him are hawks. They just need a tiny opening and they will be all over you in no time", Jin said, eyeing Taehyung skeptically.

"Excuse me, who are you calling a hawk here?", Taehyung demanded, getting irritated.

It had been three days since they kissed in their kitchen and Jin had been snapping at Taehyung at every chance he got. Okay, he made a mistake because he was too absorbed in his old memories and addressed Jin as 'Ken', but Jin was certainly going overboard with the sarcasm.

"Why are you getting so riled up now?", Jin asked, smirking, "Is it possible that you are relating yourself to hawks?"

"Hell no... I am not that kind of a person and you know it", Taehyung retorted in anger.

"If you are not, then there is nothing to get grumpy over it, unless you have done something similar", Jin hissed, turning towards Taehyung.

"I guess you need to recheck your memory, baby urchin, because that's not what actually happened. We both know how we reacted to each other that night", Taehyung said with a mischievous smile.

"Did... did you just call me an urchin? Those ugly spiny things?", Jin asked in disbelief.

"Well, as you behave, so you will be named", Tae snapped, "As if your words sting any less"

"What did you say?", Jin gritted his teeth in anger.

"What? Do you want me to remind you what exactly happened between us that night? Or that one night from six years ago? Bring it on, if you are ready to have that 'what are we' talk with me. Else, you better stop snapping at me unless you want me to prove you otherwise, because I am so eager to shut your mouth either way, baby", Taehyung warned with a glare.

Jin glared right back at Taehyung and opened his mouth to give a fitting reply, when Jimin groaned from the backseat.

"Guys please... can you both continue your quarrel after I leave this car? It's really getting on my nerves and I seriously don't want to know what you do to each other's mouth", Jimin said with a huff.

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