Chpt 4- You can call me Matt.

Start from the beginning

"oh yeah, that's right." she says and i raise an eyebrow.
"i mean- uh that's right. like you're a football coach i just remembered."

i see her cheeks get bright red and i smile to myself. nice save evelyn.

"yeah i enjoy it a lot more than teaching."

she looks like she's about to say something else before her co worker comes out with my drink.

"one hot caramel coffee with half&half" he says handing me my drink

"thank you" i smile at him then turn back to evelyn "have a good day."

"you too." she smiles.

as i'm walking towards the door i hear her co worker faintly talking but gets louder as he gets more excited

"what- is that? are you blushing? oh my god you're totally blushing!" he says before i hear a slapping sound

"shut up." i hear evelyn say.

i act like i don't hear a thing and walk back to my car.

Evelyn's pov:

my cheeks are still bright red when he leaves and bryan decides to get loud about it. i smack him in the arm before he gets to loud.

"ouch, you bitch." he says and rolls his eyes
"i don't blame you though he is incredibly cute."

i sigh and ignore his comment. i know how cute he is. and jesus seeing him come in wearing that tank top, it molded to his body so perfectly, i could almost see his abs through them but i tried so hard not to look. i had to admire it through my peripheral vision.

Matthew's pov:
I get home from my friends house and shower again. i check my phone as i head into my room. i have a text from her. hell yeah. i don't even bother changing before sitting on my bed to open her message. looks like she changed her username. how cute.

Poison.Ivy- hey:)

i bite my lip with excitement as i scoot back into my pillow.

Me- hi there. i like the new user ;)

Poison.Ivy- haha thanks. i have a question.

Me- shoot.

Poison.Ivy- how did you feel compelled to ask me for my face when you don't show yours?

Me- good question, i don't know. maybe because im incredibly dense.

Poison.Ivy- haha could be. at least you're self aware.

Me- yeah unlike your coworker who can't even tell how loud he's being.

i send it not thinking but immediately unsend it
hopefully she didn't see.

Evelyn's pov:

he unsent the message, but i know what i just saw. he knows it's me? holy fuck he knows it's me. holy shit he KNOWS it's ME. he unsent it. i can get around this. i can play it like i didn't see it, or i coukd say that i did see it and i don't know what coworker he's talking about because i'm not me. or she's not me. i'm not she? whatever.

Matthew's pov:

Poison.Ivy- lol i saw what you sent.

fuck fuck fuck fuck

Poison.Ivy- i don't know what you mean though, i don't have a job at the moment lol.

okay evelyn nice way around it. now we can both pretend we don't know it's one another. this just got a lot more confusing.

Me- yeah sorry that was to the wrong person, that's why i unsent it.

Poison.Ivy- oh okay, makes sense.

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