7: The Close save.

Start from the beginning

She could let the bastard that had practically ruined her life drown and not a care in the world. All the people at the party were wasted, before anyone would eventually reach him, he would have drowned. It would save her and everyone the stress, it would make her life easier. He did leak the pictures of her daughter, which was something unimaginable.


She couldn't do this, she needed to do something! This was someone's life. Her conscience could allow him to die. She ran toward the deep part of the water, where he had sunk, and tried to jump into it. She yelped as she heard hit a hard surface, fuck she had slipped, why was this place very slippery!

She tried to pay attention to what was originally going on and not pay attention to the sharp pain she was currently feeling. She looked around for him quickly, finding him floating on her other side, swimming as fast as she could do, she got him secured and tried to pull him from the water, but it was harder than it seemed. Those movies she saw just made it seem so easy.

Coughing as air finally filled her lungs once more, she looked around in pain, feeling dizzy, her hands started getting tired as she swam with him toward the other side of the pool. Coughing more and more as she got to the shallow part of the water, a girl yelled into the house and started piling out.

She tried walking him up, slapping his cheeks, anything! Thank God she had done something, she had mistaken the wrong person for Kelvin. She coughed again, remembering the CPR thing she had googled once. Although she could remember the way google had told her to do it. She looked up to maybe ask for help but all of them had their phones out recording her. She shook her head knowing she was on her own with him.

She slapped his cheeks calling his name again, "can someone stop fucking recording me and call an ambulance? He is not fucking breathing!" she yelled out her voice feeling very hoarse. Not doing anything now could result in his death, she couldn't have that. She needed to do something.

She looked up and snatched the phone of a boy next to her. He wasn't even using it for something good anyways. She tapped Safari, typing in how to perform CPR. Seeing it pulled up, she blinked coughing once more, a cold shiver running down her spine. She opened his mouth and placed one hand over the other, started pressing it and counting to thirty.

After the thirty, she opened his mouth and administered the two breaths praying she wasn't doing it wrong. She repeated the same steps three times before she had Kelvin bursting into the pool and running toward her like a wild dog. She continued the chest compression, almost criminal at the point because he wasn't responding.

"Will you all stop fucking recording her! Someone call an ambulance!" he yelled at them, making them put their phone away.

Soon they heard sirens coming from the other side of the hall. Medical practitioners ran into the building and quickly started the first aid, putting him on a stretcher and wheeling him out of the building. The crowd followed them to the front of the hall. They quickly pushed him into the ambulance, trying to get him out of there.

"Who will like to join him at the hospital?" a practitioner asked the crowd making Kelvin look toward Dara.

"You should... go, you are his twin..." she said another shiver running down her spine. By that time the sharp pain she felt had become a splitting headache, and cold had turned into a chilling, freezing level where she could barely breathe.

"Dara, you are not looking too good, let go together," he stated worriedly, she turned toward the paramedics opening her mouth to say something. Kelvin's eyes widened, blood oozed from a large cut from her temple running to her forehead, her eyes pinned and her teeth clapped. She touched the area of pain and took one step forward with wobbling legs.

"Dara!" he yelled as her wabbling legs gave up on her, the paramedics yelled for her co-worker that there was another one. Kelvin had caught her in time, she was mere seconds away from landing on the ground. Thankfully he caught her, and the blood continued to flow out tremendously.

"Dara! Fuck!" he yelled, the paramedic thankfully was big enough to accommodate two people in it. Another stretcher was brought out, he laid her onto the stretched as fast as he could and placed an oxygen mask on her face. A woman started administering first aid, trying to clean up her wounds but the blood kept rushing.

They entered the ambulance soon and Kelvin entered with them seeing as they tried to clean up her wound. Now in the light, he could see her better. She was pale as a ghost. Her body still shaking as they managed to clean the cut, eventually stopping the bleeding.

His heart raise, as they stopped at the hospital, twenty minutes later. He swallowed as nurses were already waiting outside, helping the paramedics to will the two of them out of the ambulance and into the hospital. In less than five. Five top doctors and nurses started attending to them.

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