I grabbed the last bit of gas I had in the trunk an sloshed it around hoping it'd do. I poured it in the car and hopped in the driver's seat.

I looked at my map and decided to head to the nearest town about 40 miles down the road.

After driving for a while, and only running on fumes, I was confused as to why I haven't found a town yet.

I payed close attention to any signs or turns on the side of the road. But then the car began to slow down until it came to a complete stop. I placed my head on the wheel and groaned.

It's like having a full time job you don't get paid for. There's always stuff to do now. I can't even sit down and read a book anymore.

I jumped at the sound of a thump on my window. I rose my head off the wheel to see a walker that was practically trying to eat through the glass, her bloody saliva smearing on the window.

I pulled my knife out of its holster and rolled the window down a smidge. When she put her face by the opening I stabbed her in the head through the gap.

I wiped the blade off on the passenger seat and threw my backpack over my shoulder. I stepped over the body and shut the car door behind me a little too hard.

A few walkers were heading toward the noise so I ran into the woods. I've learned that walking on a highway or any road for that matter, is like ringing a dinner bell. 

I stepped quietly on the leaves while making sure my surroundings were clear. The trees cascaded the sky cooling off my burning skin.

I took another drink of my water and slipped it back in my bag.In the distance i could see a cabin covered in moss and trees. Thrilled, I skipped over to it; walking in the woods at night is the worst.

Last time i walked at night, I literally fell down a hill. Now my arm would probably pop out of place if I happened to wave at someone. Luckily there is no one to wave at.

I kept my knees bent and placed my feet carefully on the ground each step. Don't let excitement make you think everything's dandy. You have to always keep alert. Learned that the hard way.

I peaked into the dirt covered window and saw nothing but a stack of boxes. I went to the front, knocked on the door, and pulled my gun out. No one answered so I gladly let myself in.

The dusty floor creaked under my boots as I walked around taking in my surroundings. Two windows, two doors, and.. boxes.

I opened up the top box, only to see newspaper. I grabbed one and shoved it in my bag just in case I needed extra help starting a fire.

I opened the box underneath and could've started dancing. In all of its glory there sat FOUR bags of pretzels! I opened up a bag and dug in like it was Christmas.

I miss Christmas.

After I felt i've had enough, I rolled it up an put it in my backpack. I pulled out my sharpening stone and began to sharpen the knife my dad gave me.

It's handle was ivory, which I liked but didn't agree with. The blade was smooth and precise, and soon it will be even sharper than it already is.

The sound of an engine made my heart jump into my stomach. I looked through the window and two jeep's were parking at the front.

I put my sharpening stone away and put my knife in my sheath. I put my backpack over my shoulders and pulled out my gun. I crawled to the back door ready to make a run for it.

I took a deep breath and turned the doorknob. But for some reason it wasn't opening. I pushed it hard out of anger and realized it was probably bolted from the outside. DAMN PRETZELS.

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