Começar do início

Scott turned to the alpha, "Derek, they killed someone." He remarked.

Though Derek was having trouble trying to piece it together, "How are they moving so fast?" He continued. "They can't be that fast on foot!" He pointed out in defense.

"They killed someone. Some totally innocent kid is dead... And it's our fault." Scott sighed looking down sadly.

Derek shook his head, "It's my fault."

"We need help."

Derek pointed to the dirty-blonde werewolf, "We have Isaac now."

"I mean real help!" Scott emphasized on the word 'real', "They're too fast for us, for all of us. They're too strong, too rabid..."

"We'll catch 'em."

Issac scoffed, "What happens if we do? We just gonna hold them down until the sun comes up?"

"Maybe it would be easier just to kill 'em..." Derek sighed accepting that it might be the only way.

"Killing them isn't the right thing to do."

"What if it's the only thing to do? If we can't even catch them, what else can we do?" Issac questioned.

"Find someone who knows what they're doing."

"Who?" The alpha looked at him skeptically.

"Hey, what about Nova?" The two turned to Issac with raised eyebrows, "Am I the only one who thinks about her in these situations. "She has magic. I'm sure she can not only find them but also probably put them down."

"Down?" Derek raised his eyebrows in question.

"Dead or asleep." Issac corrected with a sarcastic smile.

Scott shook his head, "No, they're too dangerous." He told him, "Plus, I know someone who can help."

"If you say so." Issac shrugged following Scott and Derek out of the woods. He was still for using Nova, he was definitely team mgic.

* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ☾˚ 。* 。 • ˚

Back at the school, the mother and daughter had two continued on with their conversation for another while until a knock at the door caught their attention. Alice got up to answer the door before Nova could as it was weird for people to be her so late including them.

As the door opened there stood Jennifer Blake in surprise, "Oh– I thought I was the last one here." She noticed the duo.

"Jennifer, I didn't think you'd be here so late working either, we thought we were the only ones." ALice said,  "Oh– this is my daughter–"

"Nova, she's in my class." Jennifer interrupted kindly, "I didn't know she was your daughter. God, I feel really silly not putting two and two together, you have the same last name."

Nova shrugged, "Well it's not as common as most last names."

The three shared a laugh before Alice could ask a question, "Where were you headed?"

"Down to the supply closet, being a high school teacher is no joke."

"Do you mind if I join?" Nova offered as she stood from her seat turning to her mom, "I'll grab that stack of printer paper you needed."

Alice was wary of letting her daughter go, "It's quite creepy down there."

"Well nothing worse than being shot so..." Nova tried to joke but noticed it brought down the mood,  "Just kidding." She added, causing the other two to look at her weirdly. "Why don't we just get the paper?"

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐞𝐝 [𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐤 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐞]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora