Chapter 6 - Super drunk

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(A/N: I really like this photo ^)

Sipping on a fruity, non-alcoholic drink together, the Twins converse with each other, unbothered by the loud, drunken crowd of prisoners surrounding them.

"The buffoon has opened a saloon."

"A saloon for baboons."

They mocked the Warden and the prisoners together by imitating sounds that primitive monkeys make. Why? Because why not. That's why. Because fuck you normal logic.

Returning to their drink, one twin glanced past his counterpart and noticed a familiar lone figure sitting alone at the bar.

The twin smirked, "It seems we have company." He said, a cool smirk lining his features.

The other turned his head back and saw who his counterpart was talking about. A similar smirk graced his expression as well. "Well, well, should we not come over and say hello?"

"I do not see why not." The first replied, forgetting the drink their shared drink.

Without another word, their bodies simultaneously fizzled into green and white static and disappear. Only to reappear behind you as you laid your head on the bar, your mind fuzzy and completely unaware of their presence.

"Greetings, baboon." They said synchronously, one twin standing on your left and the other on your right.

You jolted up, releasing a slurred, "aHh!" You spin on your chair and looked at the two as they stepped a little closer together. Your wide gaze melted and turned into a more mellow expression.

"oH heeeEeEyy, iT's yoU tWo!" You said, a drunken blush dusting your cheeks. Yep, you were drunk. Super drunk. Like 'mega super drunk with a side of wasted' drunk.

And you did not give a single damn what anyone thought about it. Living in Superjail is hard, so having a drink was a nice way to unwind a little. Too bad you were a lightweight though.

The Twins' brows quirked a little at your odd behavior. Well, this was new.

You suddenly seem so mellow and happy now in comparison to when you first met, which was strange. Yes, they recall you acting nervous, sheepish, and even a little angry. But now, it was like they were talking to a whole new being.

"Y'knOw, I sTilL thinK yOu'rE cOol." You slurred with a dopey grin as you took a sip from glass with an amber liquid in it. Oh yeah, nothin' like a good ol' glass of Jack Daniels to get ya loose. "EvEn thouGh yOu gAve mE a conCusSion 'nd EverYthing, iTs wAter unDer th'bRidGe."

Quickly getting used to your easygoing mood, the Twins lean against the bar and making a drink appear in each of their hands. They sipped on them simultaneously as they stared at you, their curiosities handling the better of them. As if they have a better of themselves though.

You set down your, now empty, glass and began trying to make conversation with them.

"M'kay, enOUgh 'bouT coOl sTuff. heH, LiKe yOu." You slurred without another thought, definitely not making their egos inflate the tiniest bit.

"LEt's taLk aBoUt soMethIng thAt sUcks! LiKe, taXes oR fUneRals oR cRyiNg bAbiEs On aiRPlAnes..." You said a couple of other things that blew mega-ass until your words turned into mumbles and mutters under your breath as you seem to finally be losing yourself in the drunken haze.

The Twins' expressions mirrored each other as they practically read the same thing. Well, isn't this interesting? The assumingly stoic, awkward human was completely off their rocker. The brothers knew very little about the effects of intoxication(considering they were underage for their species) but they knew enough to know that you were undoubtedly... 'hammered' as the residents of the prison place it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2023 ⏰

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