Chapter 4 - First Contact

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What the hell just happened? Was your first thought when you saw you were in a completely different location than before. 

I mean, one minute you were flying dozens of feet above the prison yard, the next you were in some sort of large, hollowed-out egg-shaped room filled with technology that looked way ahead of its time. 


The fires that lit the undersides of the Twins' machines became dim and released steam for landing. You look down and saw you were becoming closer and closer to the ground, much to your delight. 

As soon as you felt the tips of your toes touch a solid surface, you relax your iron grip on the machine's edge and land on your feet, stepping a few feet away to give the Twins some space. Yeeaaahh, you were probably going to have to explain why you were here and hijacked a ride with them... 

The Twins' machine fully lands and they step off, removing their headbands and towels and just tossing them in random directions. They walk in unison and sit down in their chairs, which just so happened to sit in front of a large monitor and control panel, all the buttons and dials on it written in a foreign language. 

You looked confused as they begin typing away on the large control panel, completely ignoring your presence. Did they even know you were here? Should you say something to get their attention? 

You look around the room in vague wonder. There were so many screens and lit-up parts of the wall; it was difficult to decipher what did what or why it was even there. But you knew well enough not to touch anything, in fear of being hurt or electrocuted. 

You look back to the Twins and they seem to have started playing a video game on the large monitor screen. Yep, they still didn't know you were here. 

Maybe I should say hello? You thought. I feel kinda weird for just standing here and not doing anything. And they won't hurt me for being here, I don't think. They don't seem hostile. 

You quietly intake a breath and prepare yourself. 

Stepping around the Twins' cardio machines, you clear your throat loudly. 

The Twins visibly jump in their seats, not at all expecting a voice to suddenly appear behind them. 

"Ah!" They both led out simultaneous short shrieks of shock. They quickly put their game on pause and quickly spun in their chairs to see their unexpected 'guest'. 

For a split second, you swear you saw a flicker of horror in their eyes until they relaxed and their expressions turned to confused and surprised. 

Then you were the one who became confused when their faces turned to something closer to... Smugness. 

"Well, well." 

"It appears we have a stowaway." 

Your sweat dropped a little. You swallowed the small lump of nerves in your throat and spoke, "Uh, yeah, I- um, really didn't mean to intrude- on you two-" You stopped speaking as you witness their bodies suddenly fizzle into green and white static and disappear completely. 

 What? You thought, bewildered and a little scared at their sudden vanishing

"Where did you come from?" 

"Mind telling us?" 

You jump a foot in the air and let out a less-than-manly scream as you heard the Twins' voices from behind you. You held a hand to your suddenly racing heart as you turned around to see the Twins wearing cool, smug expressions. 

"Wh- I- How did you-?" You stuttered, your brain unable to comprehend what you just witnessed. 

"We teleported." The twins said simultaneously like it was the simplest thing in the universe. 

You stared at the two for an extra few seconds, trying to detect if this was a prank of some sort or not. But seeing their unchanging expressions, they seemed serious. They could teleport

"Huh." You muttered with the slightest bit of awe. "That's... pretty cool, actually."

Their eyes widen the tiniest bit, you noticed. Had they not been complimented before? That seemed a bit... weird to you. They seemed like pretty chill guys. You relaxed your risen shoulders and try to become a little more comfortable around them. 

"Yeah, I- um, hitched a ride with you from the prison yard." You explained, feeling a little embarrassed for some reason. You pointed to their cardio machines. "On those." 

They seemed to ignore you as they look you up and down with smirks. You raise a brow at their behavior, confused. Until you suddenly remember what you were wearing. 

Your face flushed in embarrassment as you realize why you felt this way a minute ago. The goddamn pink bunny suit you were forced to wear and are still wearing

You watch their cool expressions twitch the tiniest bit into held-back amusement. You tried not to blame them though. I mean, if you saw some grown-ass adult wearing a fuzzy pink animal suit, you'd smile a bit as well. 

"It seems our plan worked like a charm." One twin said, looking to his counterpart. 

"I believe so, the Warden seemed to be enjoying himself as well." The other replied. 

The Warden? What did that nut-job have to do with this? Also... plan? What plan? 

At that moment, the pieces suddenly seemed to fit together. The Warden's change in uniforms... The Twins' quote-unquote 'plan'... The seemingly close relationship between the three... 

A familiar welled-up burning feeling ruptured in your core, but you didn't allow it to control your facial features. You look at them with an unreadable expression as you push down your embarrassed anger. 

"Are you two the ones responsible for the change in Superjail's prisoner uniforms?" You said calmly, your tone of voice laced with ice. They blink at you, their smug expressions drooping a tad. They didn't expect you to pick up their plan so quickly. 

They quickly regain their composure. "What if we are?" 

"What would you say if we said yes?" 

"Answer the question." You uttered, clenching your fists to your sides, with a compacted rage. 

They flinched slightly at your frosty tone. They suddenly felt like they were in the presence of one of their superiors, a very angry superior. Not good. 

"Yes, in fact, we are." One twin said, trying to ignore how uneasy the air of the room felt. 

"We'd thought it would be a fun change of pace." The other completed, ignoring the unease as well. 

You stare at the pair, unmoving and unblinking. You shut your eyes and intake a sharp inhale of air and try to fizzle out your sour mood. You relax your fists, and let them hang limply by your sides. 

They were just playing a joke. It was just a 'fun change of pace'. They didn't mean harm. You reasoned with yourself, carefully forgetting the blood bath they caused all over Superjail. But then again, it's Superjail. Every day was a blood bath. They just wanted to have some fun. And there's nothing wrong with having fun. It's fine. They're fine. I'm fine. 

You open your eyes and look at them again, still trying to forget how silly you still felt. 

"...Okay." You said calmly. "Thank you for telling me." 

They suddenly looked genuinely surprised. They expected you to start going... 'ape-shit' as the locals of Superjail put it. But they weren't gonna tell you that. If fact, they thought it was about time you leave. 

"So..." You said, looking around the room and pretending the previous anger you felt wasn't there. "Uhhh, how's the wea--" 


You got hit on the back of your head with something really hard, making your vision go dark. The split second you looked away from the two, one teleported away and reappeared behind you, holding something above your head, and knocked you out cold with it. 


That was rude. 

(A/N: Sorry this one took a bit longer to upload but here it is)

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