Chapter 5 - Superbar?

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You wake up to find yourself stomach-down on the ground with your vision blurry and your ears ringing. You creak your eyes open a little wider and flop over on your back... Then you felt a strong, painful throbbing in your skull, making you wince and hold your head. 

You felt past your hair and to your scalp and felt an unfamiliar lump. Greeaattt, a bump on your head too. Probably a bruise that isn't gonna go away for a while. 

You let a quiet string of curses pass your lips as you sat upright. You look around to find yourself in the Superjail courtyard, alone. You remove your hand from your head and struggle to stand upright, your balance feeling a bit off. 

Shit, I might have a concussion, you thought, recognizing the symptoms. Too bad I don't have any aspirin. 

(A/N: Aspirin or other pain relievers are basically the only things you can do against a normal concussion, aside from very little work and sleep.)

You look down and saw the most amazing thing. You were no longer wearing that embarrassment of a bunny costume anymore! 

You internally fist-pump to yourself as you were now wearing your normal orange prison outfit. 

You look around yourself again and realize it was night-time still, but before that, you noticed the number of cadavers littering the yard, some practically in piles. Stepping around and over bodies, you push down your nausea and made for the entrance to the cafeteria. 

The cafeteria's doors looked broken and pushed in but you didn't care about that. What you did care about was the fact that the inside of the cafeteria looked worse than the courtyard. 

The room was practically destroyed and covered ceiling to floor in blood, body parts, and debris. The walls were cracked and stained, and the tables were reduced to broken wood chips and halves. Hell, there was even a huge hole in the wall that was at least 12 feet in height with a long trail of a mysterious red meat-like fluid passing through it. 

And you want to know the worst part? Alice and her co-workers were there (The Warden, Jailbot, etc.) and they were cleaning it up

The cleaning wasn't the weird part, it was just that they were doing it like it was a normal everyday thing. 

You stared at Jailbot, who was sweeping piles of gore with a smile on his face, a little too long and felt bile rising up in your throat. Oh no. 

You slapped a hand to your mouth and made a run for the nearest trash can, which was nearby Alice, and let 'er rip. 

"Oh, hey Y/n, glad you could make it." She greeted nonchalantly holding three bodies on her shoulder. You wipe the drool off your chin and stare up at her. She noticed how you looked. "Damn, you look like crap." 

"I feel like crap, I think I might have a concussion," you admitted, standing upright again. "Do you have any aspirin?"

"Not on me, no." She answered, brushing past you to dispose of the corpses. "See ya later." 

"Bye." You said simply, carefully ignoring the fact she was holding dead bodies like a sack of potatoes. 

You sigh and make your way to a table, sitting in a moderately clean spot on the bench, and hold your head in your hands again. 

"Oh! Would you look at that, Jared? Somebody survived!" The Warden's loud voice rang out, making you wince. You look up to see the Warden and his little assistant 'Jared' sitting across from you and eating... something out of their bowls. 

"Yep, lucky me." You groaned sarcastically, then realized something. "Wait, does that mean everybody else died?" 

"I'm afraid so," Jared explained, not at all sounding remorseful or sad. "I suppose the Warden's plan was a success!"

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