Chapter 2 - Lunch

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After getting used to your new cell and getting to know Ash, you figure the two of you are going to be friends, even if he did have strange pyrokinetic abilities that were somehow connected to his emotions. You and he actually have a lot in common. You both were thrown in Jail, you were raised by your mothers, and that ponies were great and that fire was pretty.

"So, Ash," you said kicking your feet on your top bunk. Your bunk was actually kinda sooty but not too filthy, so you didn't mind much. But that was only after discarding the charred body of some poor soul that Ash burnt to death.

Ash looked up from the small flame he was playing with and said, "Yes?"

"How did you end up in this place?" You said gesturing to... overall everything that is Superjail.

Ash watched the small flame die in his hands and sighed. "Arson. Shocking, I know." He said sarcastically. "Most times it was an accident, but a few other times... It wasn't."

You downwards to Ash's voice as he spoke as if you could see him. Then you nodded. "I understand."

His reply sounded genuinely shocked. "You do?"

"Well, yeah. As far as I know about you, it sounds like you may just have urges or mood swings that affect your powers, due to past events." You reply psychologically, "And that isn't your fault, either, so your crimes and feelings are justified."

Ash didn't say anything after that. You worry you just might have broken him with your answer. He seemed to think about what you said before he could say anything back. "...Thanks Y/n." He replied finally with a smile in his voice. "You're a good person."

You smile as well. "You're welcome, Ash."


You flinch at the sudden loud buzzing noise that ruined the quiet moment. You look down past your bunk to see Ash standing up and offering you a hand. You take it and jump off.

"What's happening?" You ask him, watching the cell door slide open.

"It's time for lunch. I think it's hotdogs today." He answered, stepping out of the cell and getting in line. You nodded and followed him.

You suddenly felt like you were in school again. Being pushed up in a crowd to get to the cafeteria by a bunch of people who were bigger than you felt pretty nostalgic. And you lost your only friend on the way, so that was great. Note the sarcasm.

And before you knew it, the crowd dispersed and you were in the cafeteria. It sort of reminded you of your high school's cafeteria and it was actually a lot cleaner than you'd thought it'd be, so that was a plus.

You see the lunch line to collect your food and make a beeline for it. You pick up a tray and waited with patience for your turn, quietly.

Mostly considering if you say one wrong word or push the wrong person, you'd end up on the floor in a bloody pile of broken bones. Yep, just like high school.


After you carefully picked and sorted out what foods looked the most edible from the lunch ladies, you look around the cafeteria for a place to sit.

Most of the tables are already full and any open seats you could find were next to some... unsavory-looking people who looked like they wanted to push you into a meat grinder, so that's a no-go.

Your eyes skim the cafeteria one more time as you begin to consider just sitting on the floor, you see a familiar face in the crowd. You smile and sped-walk to Ash, who was waving at you to come over.

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