Chapter Twenty-Two

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I woke up in an unfamiliar bed. Above me, the ceiling was a canvas cloth that swayed and moved in the wind. It was warm, the air balmy and fresh. I blinked a few times to clear the drowsiness from my vision and then eased into a sitting position.

In the chair next to the bed, Minho stirred. He was wearing a clean red shirt and tan pants. His face still was covered in a few scrapes and bruises but for the most part, he looked okay. He opened his eyes and spotted me awake and sitting up. "Hey," he said softly. "How are you feeling?"

"Better," I said. "How long... where are we?"

"You've been out for three days. They've been slowly pumping you full of blood again." He rose from the chair and offered me a hand. "As for where we are-" he held out a hand. A rare, genuine smile bloomed across his face. "Come and see."

Confused, I took his hand. His palm slid against mine, calloused and strong. He led me out of the tent and I paused, blinking in the sunlight.

But not blinding, scorching light. This was soft and warm and buttery smooth. The ground beneath my feet was white sand, like velvet against my toes. It too was warm. In front of me was a massive blue ocean, the crystalline water stretching as far as the eye could see.

To my right were more massive canvas tents, people moving about underneath or in hammocks. There were fires with people gathered around. The smell of food filled the air. The waves crashed on the beach.

"The Safe Haven." Minho's voice was quiet. "We made it."

"We made it." I echoed his words. And then I let out a small laugh that turned into a sob. Minho wrapped his arms around me. I buried my face in his chest, tears streaking down my face for everyone that had fought to make it here. And for everyone who hadn't made it in the end.

I pulled back, wiping my face with the bottom of my shirt. Minho tilted my chin up so he could brush another tear from my cheek. Then he pressed his mouth to my forehead gently. I sucked in a shuddering breath. "I know he would have loved it here."

Minho took my hand and squeezed it gently. "He would. I bet he's somewhere watching over us now though. Still calling us shanks."

I laughed at that. "Where are the others?"

As if in answer to my question, my name split the air.


Chuck came barreling around the corner, his face sunburned already. He barely slowed down before slamming into me so hard that I stumbled back into Minho. The kid wrapped his arms around my waist. "I thought I would never see you again." His words were muffled.

I squeezed him back. "Hi, Chuck."

I glanced up and saw Thomas round the corner with and a faint smile on his face. Then he joined the hug, nearly suffocating me. Then Frypan appeared too. And the rest of the surviving Gladers, until it was one, giant group hug.

"Alright, alright-" Minho said. "That's enough you ugly shanks. Back off of my girlfriend."

The Gladers untangled themselves, though Chuck held on for just an extra second. The waves crashing on the beach echoed in the air. A bird was singing somewhere in the palm trees above us. I looked at the group and then at Minho. "I guess we're home."

"Yeah." He smiled, an arm around my shoulders. "Home."


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