Chapter Fifteen

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I dumped a bucket of freezing water over my head, relishing the cold in this hot and dusty place. There was no running water but I'd assured Vince the buckets of water would do just fine. The water had quickly become cloudy and pink as I washed my hair, scrubbing off several days' worth of sweat and blood and sand.

Satisfied, I sat back on my heels and rung out the strands. Slipping a clean T-shirt over my head, I walked back to the small rooms we'd been given. Thomas and Newt were in one, Minho and I in the other.

I passed by Thomas's and Newt's room but the door was closed tightly, silent inside. It was late, they must've already gone to sleep. I felt a stab in my chest as I recalled Newt's words. I pushed open the second door and stepped. A single lantern sat on the bedside table, illuminating the small space with a golden glow.

Minho had stretched out on the bed, flat on his back, wearing a T-shirt like mine and just his boxers. His hands were behind his head, and he was staring at the ceiling but sat up when I came in. He sniffed the air in an exaggerated motion. "Wow, I thought that whole time it was me I was smelling, but I guess that was you."

I threw my old and dirty clothes into the corner. "Shut up. It was probably Frypan if we're being honest."

Minho snorted. "You're probably right."

"As usual." I eyed him. "Those better not be your old, dirty clothes in the bed."

He raised his hands in false surrender. "If you wanted to see me naked, you should have just asked."

In response I unbuttoned my pants, yanking them off and leaving them in a pile on the floor. Then I climbed into the bed, shimming beneath the sheet. I poked Minho's chest and shirt. "Off."

He rolled his eyes but tugged off the T-shirt. "Your turn."

"Mine's clean."

"I don't care."

I didn't have anything on underneath it, not that Minho knew that. So I smirked and complied with his request. I lifted the fabric over my head with a flourish and then tossed it on the ground. "Happy?"

"Very." He grinned, his gaze everywhere but my face.

I rolled my eyes and tilted his chin up gently before leaning in to kiss him. His response was immediate, hands, flying up to cup my face. With my eyes closed, I inhaled the scent of him, pine and like the Glade. Comforting and strong and safe. I could never get enough of it- enough of him.

Minho slid one hand to my waist, tugging me astride him. His fingers wound themselves into my still-damp hair. Goosebumps broke out on my skin that had nothing to do with the cold. His skin was warm against mine as he pressed into me like he couldn't get close enough.

His shorts disappeared. My bottoms too. And then we were moving in the same breath as if one. Him above me, mouth hovering next to my ear. My chest was flush with his, my fingers knotted in the sheets. One of his hands was on my waist, gripping the skin of my hip, heat searing through me like a brand.

My head was tilted back, his mouth on my throat. We were both slick with sweat now. I held back the noises I wanted to make. Like he knew I couldn't keep quiet, Minho pressed his mouth to mine. Heat burst inside me as I arched my back and his grip tightened. I never wanted it to end, the moment between us, the feeling of him and I.

Minho pulled back, slightly out of breath, and then rested his forehead against mine. "I guess I should have taken the bath afterward."

I snorted. "I guess so."

He collapsed in the small space beside me, sheets pooled around his waist. "Kinda reminds me a little of those nights in the Glade."

"Yeah," I answered and looked around the room. "It does." Tears welled in my eyes all of the sudden. I squeezed them shut, praying none would escape and it was dark enough that Minho wouldn't notice. But one slipped down my cheek.

He propped himself up on an elbow, immediately reaching for me. "Hey- what's wrong?"

I swallowed and swiped at my face. "Nothing. I mean-" I let out a shaky breath. "It's just a lot. Everything, I mean." The lie tasted like acid on my tongue but I willed Minho to buy it, to let it go.

He studied my face for a few seconds and then nodded. Internally I let out a sigh of relief. He reached for my hand, interlacing his fingers with mine. "Sometimes I just pretend like none of it happened so I don't get... overwhelmed."

"We just have to hold out a little longer," I whispered, face buried in his chest. "Just a little longer."

I felt his answer vibrating against me and I listened to the steady sound of his heartbeat. I squeezed my eyes shut, refusing any more tears.

It will all be over soon.

I didn't know who I was trying to convince at this point. Myself or him.

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