Chapter Seventeen

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Minho woke with a start, the nightmare still fresh in his mind. Only half awake, he dragged a hand across the sheets beside him, blinding searching for Ari.

But his hand met only empty space.

He blinked a few times and sat up. Ari wasn't there. Minho found his pants and yanked them on, then his shirt. Her clothes were gone too. Unease began to build in his chest. He stumbled to the door and pushed it open. It was only hours after midnight, the sky still dark.

He banged on Thomas's and Newt's door. "Guys! Wake up!"

The door swung inward, Newt rubbing an eye. "Bloody hell, Minho, what is it?"

"She's gone." He said. "Ari's gone."

Newt stared at him. "What do you mean gone?"

"What else would I mean?" Minho nearly yelled. "I woke up and she's not here."

"Alright well, she can't be far." Newt turned back to the dark. "Tommy, let's go. We gotta find Ari before Minho loses his shuck head."

Minho was already in the hall, moving down the rickety stairs. He froze at the bottom. "What the hell?"

Newt and Thomas were in the hall now, following him down. "What is it?" But then they both froze as well.

Thomas cocked his head. "Shouldn't this place be full of Cranks and the Right Arm?"

"No shit," Minho said.

"It's empty." Newt shoved past Minho to reach the bottom stairs. As he did he turned to the side, coughing suddenly and holding his hand to his face. Minho frowned. "You good?"

Newt waved a hand at him. Thomas brushed past them both to stand in the empty room. "Do you think they took Ari?"

Minho's heart slammed into his ribcage. "I would have woken up- she was right beside me."

"Where's Vince?" Thomas asked. "Lawrence? There's no one here. This whole place is abandoned."

Minho stared at his two friends. "The vans," he said suddenly. "The vans! Check to see if they're gone!" He started running, heading for the front of the building where he knew the few vehicles had been parked. He skidded around the corner, passing more empty space that had been previously filled with people.

He pulled up, as he spotted one last truck parked in the space. Two figures stood in the bed, loading gear.

"Hey!" He screamed, sprinting at them. They looked up.

"Minho- wait," Thomas was on his heels, Newt somewhere behind. Minho could hear him coughing again, the sound pricking unease in his mind.

One of the figures from the truck jumped down. "If you kids are coming better hop in now."

"Come where? What's going on?" Thomas asked.

The Crank pointed to the massive walls. "We're taking down WCKD. Tonight."

Minho, Thomas and Newt stared at him. "What?" Newt finally got the words out.

"How the hell are you going to get inside-" Minho began and then a massive explosion rocked the earth beneath their feet. The three of them rushed outside, staring down the street.

Flames licked upwards, devoured by the plumes of smoke roiling toward the night sky. The massive wall had been breached, a section of it crumbling. A roar sounded, a dull battle cry, Minho realized. Vehicles began pouring through the gap. If Ari was in there, this was their chance.

Minho spun around, heading back for the truck. "We're coming!"

Thomas and Newt exchanged a glance and then followed their friend. They climbed into the bed and the truck took off, bouncing over debris and rocks as it headed for the gap in the wall. Bullets ricocheted around them and the smell of smoke and burnt rubber grew as they neared the city.

"Stay down!" Someone screamed.

Minho covered his head with his hands and squeezed his eyes shut as they passed through the gap. Then the road became smooth. Minho opened his eyes and looked around.

It was a warzone. They were inside the city. Cranks and WCKD soldiers fought. Buildings were shattered, some on fire. A massive explosion shook their truck, flames shooting to their left. They swerved to a stop. The driver leaned out the window, an automatic rifle in his hands, and began firing.

Thomas yanked on Minho's sleeve. "If WCKD has her, she'll be in there!" He pointed to the massive tower overhead. Lights flickering in the glass windows like diamonds.

Minho nodded and then jumped out of the truck bed, careful to keep his head down. Thomas followed and then Newt, but he stumbled, sinking to the ground. Minho hoisted his friend up, an arm around his shoulders. "You good?"

"Yeah!" Newt yelled to be heard but his eyes seemed unfocused.

Minho opened his mouth to ask him but Thomas was screaming over the noise. "Come on- we can't stay here!"

They ran forward, staying out of the way of the warring WCKD soldiers and Cranks. Flattening their backs against a cement barrier, Thomas spoke between gasping breaths. "We can steal their uniforms. It'll make breaking in easier. We just have to find some guards."

Minho nodded. "Good that. Let's go." Still gripping Newt and supporting more of his friend's weight now, the trio took off for the entrance to WCKD.


Back at the abandoned building now, Vince came to a sudden halt taking in the empty rooms and missing vehicles. "Oh no. No, no, no!"

He stepped out into the street, staring at the massive gaping hole in the wall and the smoke reaching for the sky. In his right hand, he gripped a glass vial, the blue liquid shimmering in the light from the explosions.

He had to find Newt. He had to find him now.

Pocketing the Cure, Vince took off at a sprint for the wall, a prayer on his lips that Newt and his friends hadn't gotten far.

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