Chapter Twenty

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"I'm sorry-" Newt sobbed. The gun shook in his hand. "I'm sorry-"

"No!" Thomas lunged and tackled Newt, knocking him to the floor. Minho was already moving as he reached the struggling duo. Thomas slammed Newt's hand against the ground. The gun went flying and skidded across the floor.

"Newt, stop!" Minho shouted as he helped Thomas. Together they lifted the struggling boy and dragged him to the door. Outside, I gaped at the smoldering remains of the wall and the fighting in the streets. Vince could still be out there.

Thomas and Minho propped Newt up against a cement barrier, both crouching down. Newt panted, each breath sounding more painful than the last. He reached for his neck, yanking off something small on a string. He held it out to Minho. "Take this."

Minho shook his head. "No, we're getting you out of here. With Ari, we can get the Cure."

"Just bloody take it!" Newt screamed, spit flying from his mouth. "Please," he held it out again.

Wordlessly, Minho took the necklace and pocketed it. Newt smiled softly. "Thank you, guys. You're the best friends I've ever had, even if you're a bunch of shuckheads. There's no one else I would have wanted to survive the Maze with and all this crazy klunk WCKD has thrown at us."

"Newt, stop it," Thomas said. I saw tears in his eyes. From Teresa or Newt, or maybe both.

"Yeah, stop saying that shit." It was a tone I'd never heard from Minho before.

Newt's gaze found mine between their shoulders. "You guys are gonna make it to Safe Haven. I know it. And you shuckheads will live a long and bloody easy life."

"No, you're coming with us, shuckface." Minho gripped Newt's hand. But the words were quiet. Soft.

I swallowed around the lump in my throat. Looked at my hands. I was right here, the stupid Cure he needed and yet still out of reach. Frustration rose up inside me.

"You guys," Newt's body heaved. "You've gotta do this. Don't let me... turn into one of those things."

"We're going to get you the Cure." Thomas's voice was hard. He looked at Minho. "Let's get him up and get out of here."

Newt shook his head. "No, Tommy. I'll get you all killed." Bloody saliva spilled over the side of his mouth. "You have to do this. Before it's too late. Please."

Please, he'd said that to me that fateful day I'd found him in the Maze, leg broken and shattered. Please, let me go. I can't do this anymore.

Bullets bounced off the street near us and I ducked. "Shit, we gotta go." Thomas and Minho yanked Newt to his feet.

"Thomas! Newt! Minho! Ari!" A familiar voice screamed in the distance.

I jerked my head up. Frypan was barreling down the road, gun clutched in his hand. He ran in a zigzag, some how staying away from the bullets fired by WCKD.

Thomas waved his arms. "Over here!"

Frypan reached up, sweat dripping down his face. "Oh, man am I glad to see you shanks." His gaze slid to Newt who lay gasping against the cement barrier.

"Frypan," I gripped his shoulders. "Where is Vince?"

"Oh- he's looking for you!" Frypan's face light up. "Eight blocks that way!"

Minho looked at me. "He'll never make it eight blocks."

I rose to feet but the world swam before me and I stumbled a step. I closed my eyes to stop the spinning. I was in no condition to run. Thomas looked between Minho and I. "I'll go. I'll get it and bring it back."

"I'll go with you," Frypan said. "I have the gun." He raised the weapon.

Thomas nodded and then turned to Newt. "I'll be right back, buddy. Hang in there."

Newt's eyes blinked open, only half coherent. "Please, Tommy. Please..." His eyes slid shut again.

Thomas stood. "Keep trying to get him close."

Minho and I nodded.

"Alright, Fry, let's go." Thomas took off at a sprint, heading the direction Frypan had come. The cook was hot on his heels, rifle swinging in his hands. I turned my gaze back to Newt and found his hand, the skin clammy and cold. "Come on, Newt. Wake up."

"Let's try to move him," Minho slipped and arm beneath his shoulder. I did the same on the otherside, blinking away the dizziness that threatened. We took a few stumbling steps. It was slow progress, Newt's bad leg dragging behind him. He was dead weight, his head thrown forward and lolling against his chest. I gritted my teeth, forcing myself another few steps.

Then Newt let out a roar, body bucking suddenly. He wrenched from our grip, turning around and swinging wildly. I jumped backwards, his clawing hand inches from my face. Shit.

Minho ducked to the side. "Newt, come on. Fight it. You can fight this."

Newt's eyes were clouded over once more. He growled, nothing human left in the sound. He lurched forward and charged at Minho.

Minho lunged away and Newt fell over the dead body of a WCKD soldier, smacking the pavement with a thud. I winced and held my breath as he slowly rose. Light glinted off an object in his right hand. My blood froze. A knife.

He spun around now and charged Minho again, this time slamming into him. They both tumbled to the ground. Newt reared back, swiping with the blade. Minho hissed as the knife split the skin of his forarm.

I surged forward and tackled Newt, knocking him off Minho. I hit the ground, grimacing at the uneven pavement and rolling. Newt shoved himself onto all fours, panting. Blood drooled from his mouth. "Please, Ari, please. Kill me."

I sat up, limbs going cold at his words. "Newt-"

He cut me off with a roar and rushed, knife raised in one hand. I scrambled to my feet, arms raised. With a horrible screech he slammed into me.

"Ari!" Minho was running for us, trying to find a way to stop Newt without hurting him.

The knife pricked my chest as our wrists locked. Newt was inches from my face. I could see the veins bulging in his face. His skin was slick and pale. The knife went deeper and I cried out.

Newt's eyes cleared, the knife pausing for mere seconds. "Please." He was all he said.

I gripped the knife hilt, the metal warm from Newt's skin.


I strained against him, using everything I had left.


I turned the blade, twisting his wrist and shoved the knife into Newt's chest.

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