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Name: Dana  

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Name: Dana  

Other names:  None   

Birthday: October 19th

Backstory: She grew up in the city being great at sports

Family: Her parents Lindsay and Tyler, her older sister Rachel, her grandparents Kathy, Maxx, Lei and Jared and her aunt Paula

Friends: Niko and Rosie

Likes: Her family and friends, sports, music, soda, video games, pizza, playing, winning, animals, nature,  LGBTQ+, wearing her gloves and earrings, exploring and running 

Dislikes: People who hurt her family and friends, bullies, rude people, bullies, school, books, taking off her gloves and earrings and losing

Sexuality: Pomosexual in the future

Partner: None

Age: 10

Occupation: Student  

Species: A human

Power/abilities: None

Fears: Losing her family and friends, being alone, death, being a failure, needles, losing, guns and swimming

Personality: Sweet, kind, confident, strong, brave, competitive, fun, chill under pressure, hardworking, speaks her mind, stubborn, gets scared rarely, social, athletic, wild, gets hurt a lot, clumsy, hides emotion sometimes, niave sometimes, smart, a bit flirty, overprotective, louf, caring, patient, gets mad often and energetic  

Quote:  "Yes!! We won!!!"


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