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Name: Marvin     

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Name: Marvin     

Other names:  None   

Birthday:  February 3rd

Backstory:  He grew up in the city and was at work when the mutagen bomb exploded so he didn't get mutated but still loves Sheena even though she got mutated

Family: His wife Lyra and his daughters Sheena and Wendy

Friends: Kaelyn

Likes: Her family, saving lives, helping people, LGBTQ+, his job,  singing, cooking, music, kids, veggies, fruits and driving

Dislikes: People who hurt his family and friends, bullies, rude people, guns  eating meat and alcohol 

Sexuality: Abrosexual and demisexual

Wife: Lyra

Age: 48

Occupation: Police officer

Species: A human

Power/abilities: Expert in law stuff

Fears: Losing his family and friends, being alone, heights, bees, swimming and snakes

Personality: Sweet, kind, confident, strong, brave, serious, strict sometimes, rule follower, overprotective, energetic, fatherly, nurturing, friendly, gets scared rarely, a bit introverted, good under preassure, smart, honest, affectionate with people he's close with, smart, loving, caring, patient, gets mad rarely and tired a lot

Quote:  "Kids, stay in the car! What did I say about getting out when the car is moving?!"


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