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Name: Juniper

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Name: Juniper

Other names:  None  

Birthday:  September 3rd

Backstory: She grew up in foster care and wanted to help kids in need

Family: Her partner Mikelle and her kids Tyson, Loren, Darcy and Beau

Friends: Lynn Sr, Rita, Leona, Ed, Howard and Harold

Likes: Her family and friends, fashion, shopping, her job, hugs, quiet, books, reading, organizing, ice cream, music, nature, animals, helping people, LGBTQ+, and kids

Dislikes: People who hurt her family and friends, bullies, rude people, bullies and horror 

Sexuality: Polysexual

Partner: Mikelle

Age: 46

Occupation: Librarian  

Species: Human 

Power/abilities: None

Fears: Losing her family and friends, being alone, bugs, thunder, loud noises and elevators

Personality: Sweet, kind, strong, confident, brave, shy sometimes, funny, smart, nurturing, fun, overprotective, quiet, gets scared rarely, chill, loving, motherly, caring, patient, gets mad rarely and is calm 

Quote:  "I want to help kids that have no where else to go..."  


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