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Name: Juna

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Name: Juna

Other names:  None  

Birthday: August 24th

Backstory:  She grew up in Japan

Family: Her parents Eien and Kiyoko, her older brother Yu, her uncle Dojima, her aunt Kawakami, her cousins Nanako and Sumire, her sibling-in-laws Rise, Chidori, Kanami and Toshi, her parents-in-law Ross and Jia and her neices and newphews Oni, Eden and Rosie

Friends: Kingston

Likes: Her family and friends, milk, plushies, flowers, playing, animals, being up early, roses, sports, nature, Japan, cosplay, tea, LGBTQ+, exploring, cute things and cuddles

Dislikes: People who hurt her family and friends, bullies, rude people, staying inside and going to bed

Sexuality: Abrosexual and cupioromantic in the future

Partner: None yet

Age: 12

Occupation: Student

Species: Human

Power/abilities: None

Fears: Losing her family and friends, being alone, public speaking, guns, crime, being bullied and being replaced

Personality: Sweet, kind, playful, funny, stubborn, gets scared rarely, curious, social, silly, affectionate, loud, energetic, loving, caring, impatient sometimes, gets mad sometimes and confident

Quote:  "I wanna cosplay as MHA!"


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