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Name: Paisley

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Name: Paisley

Other names:  None  

Birthday: July 17th

Backstory: She grew up in the country with her family

Family: Her parents Miranda and Artie, her big sister Hazel and her big sibling Victor

Friends: Uma, Mondo Gecko and Sheena

Likes: Her family and friends, music,books, reading, poems, drawing, video games, anime, cartoons, junk food, helping people, LGBTQ+, being around people, sweets and school

Dislikes: People who hurt her family and friends, bullies, rude people, bullies, drugs, alcohol, smoking, healthy food and tests

Sexuality: Omnisexual in the future, demiromantic, demisexual, transfemanine and transgender (Pronouns are she/her!)

Partner: None

Age: 16

Occupation: Student  

Species: A human

Power/abilities: None

Fears: Losing her family and friends, being alone, being a failure, tests, clowns and getting bad grades

Personality: Sweet, kind, confident, strong, brave, overprotective, gets scared rarely, social, studious, smart, quiet, chill, helpful, honest, follows rules all the time, loving, caring, patient, gets mad rarely and calm

Quote:  "I wanted an A not a B...!" 


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